Page 7 - AM20180824
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Diabierna, 24 Augustus 2018                                    AWEMainta                                                                     7

                                                      Awe Corte di Prome Instancia
                              Caso Speeltuin ta sigui awe merdia

       Awe pa 2 or di mer-
       dia, Corte lo sigui cu         Horario Sospechoso                 Acto Castigabel
       e caso conoci como

       Speeltuin,  unda e             08.15       O.R.C.                 Pro forma. C. ta wordo acusa di mensensmokkel riba prome di mei
       mama  di e muchan-                                                2018.
       an maltrata y asesina
       lo wordo trata.  Ini-
       cialnan di mama ta
       R.C.T.                         08.15       E.J.J.P.               Pro forma. J.P. ta wordo acusa di posesion di cuatro handgranaat
       Manera ta conoci e                                                riba prome di mei 2018.
       caso a wordo manda             08.15       G.R.G.                 Pro forma. G. ta wordo acusa di posesion di un arma di candela y
       bek pa Huez Comis-                                                balanan riba prome di mei 2018.

       ario dia 15 di juni            08.30       A.J.M.G.               M.G. ta wordo acusa di ladronicia cu violencia y posesion di arma
       ultimo pa evaluacion                                              di candela riba 16 di januari 2018.
       dor di psychiatra.             09.30       C.A.G.I.               G.I. ta wordo acusa di violacion riba 15 di januari 2018 y di
       Sigur e caso aki tin
       un interes grandi.             10.30       R.J.M.                 menaza.
                                                                         M. ta wordo acusa di violacion riba prome di januari 2018.
       Pa loke te rol mes ta
       lo siguiente:

         PV traha pa bendedo di

                   auto riba acera
                                                                     Your future.

       Automobilista y peatonnan tambe tin hopi
       problema cu autonan cu ta wordo staciona
       riba acera. E ta stroba bista di chauffeurnan,                Now open.
       principalmente na skina y peatonnan mester
       baha di acera y cana riba caminda pa moti-
       bo cu autonan staciona ariba acera ta stroba
       nan di pasa. Wel diaranson ultimo un di e
       bendedonan di  auto cu  a para  su autonan                    Unlock your potential for growth by helping the world’s most dynamic organisations unlock
                                                                     theirs. At Grant Thornton, we’re looking for people who are looking for tomorrow’s solutions.
       “for sale” malo a haya un PV di Polis.                        For our office in Aruba we have the following opportunities:
       Dia 22 di augustus Polis di Santa Cruz ta
       bay na altura di Santa Cruz 38 pa autonan                     Tax Assistant
       mal staciona riba acera. E autonan aki taba-                  As a tax assistant, you assist the Senior Advisors in the preparation of tax advice.
       ta stroba bistai di e chauffeurnan cu bini di                 Brand & Communication Officer
       misa. Polisnan a mira cu tabatin dos vehiculo                 As a Brand & Communication Officer you’ll be continually enhancing our brand image and
       riba acera.  Un Chevrolet S-10  color blauw                   implementing our communication and PR strategy.
       y un Toyota Camry blanco. Ambos vehiculo                      Assistant Manager IT Audit
       tabata staciona schuin y no tabatin number                    You are responsible for the implementation of IT and operational audits, Revenue Assurance,
       di auto.                                                      Risk Management and consultancy assignments.

       Riba e vehiculonan ta skirbi “For Sale” y un                  Associate Audit
                                                                     As an Associate you conduct audits of financial statements in accordance with applicable
       number di telefon. Nan a yama e persona,                      accounting and reporting frameworks.
       kende ta bendiendo e vehiculonan. El a bisa
       cu el a pone nan eyriba pasobra e ta bendien-                 For more detailed information about each opportunity, visit our Facebook or
       do nan. Pero a informe cu nan ta strobando                    LinkedIn page, or send an e-mail to before 30 August 2018.
       bista pa otro chauffeurnan, cu nan no mag                     To explore your opportunities, visit us at:
       ta staciona riba acera y cu nan mester tin un       
       number valido (registra riba e vehiculonan          
       en cuestion).
       Mirando e circunstancia a dicidi di traha un                                                                               Audit  |  Tax  |  Advisory
       procesverbaal pa e actonan aki. El a haya
       ordo pa kita e vehiculonan for di acera y el a                © 2018 Grant Thornton. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao and St. Maarten is a member firm of Grant
       bisa cu e lo haci.                                            Thornton International Limited (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the
                                                                     member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts
                                                                     or omissions. Please see for further details.
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