Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Saturday 25 auguSt 2018
Renaissance Aruba held a successful 5k Fun Run & Walk
ORANJESTAD — Renais- Particpants received wa- route but also the the end. teams of both Renaissance
sance Aruba in partnership ter and watermelons to re- A healthy afternoon where Aruba and Wind greek
with Wind Creek Aruba held fresh themselves during the also the management were also part of it.q
its 5k Fun Run & Walk for
their team members. 160
motivated and energetic
members together with
their family members gath-
ered at the Fisherman’s Hut
at Malmok.
Excercising is importantin
order ro maintain a healthy
body and which in return
will give energy to perform
better at work. Besides this
Renaissance Aruba and
Wind Creek Aruba consid-
ered this event an excel-
lent opportunity to extend
the ties with team mem-
bers. Such as the popular
saying “Team Work, Makes
the Dream Work”, from this
point of view a team that
motivates each other will
always suceed and raise
each other in their work. It
was a social sport event in
which family members and
their children and even
their parts were part of it.