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Saturday 24 November 2018
Carry your cup and join the celebration
Jolly Pirates rides high with more than 20 years of sailing success
Jolly Pirates launched its first schooner in 1997. friendliness has become an attraction on its
The beautiful wooden schooner was soon com- own, with guests looking forward to reconnect
plemented by a teak-decked twin, both skill- with their crew favorites each year. Between
fully captained by a long-time staff dedicated first-time visitors and numerous return guests,
to entertaining growing fans of the island’s most Jolly Pirates continues to ride high, driven by
popular sail and snorkel cruises. Jolly Pirates lat- a long history of positive word-of-mouth and
er sought to further serve visitors by adding a a lengthy list of rave reviews that often relate
souvenir shop. Through the years, and with all its personal tales of outstanding, onboard experi-
endeavors, Jolly Pirates also carried out some ences.
really great eco-friendly initiatives.
“We worked to ensure both our schooners were
not only pleasing to the eye and comfortable
for our guests, but also that they operated
cleanly. In order to reduce our carbon foot-
print, we installed wind generators and solar
panels to help power lights and stereo as well
as ensure we used less diesel fuel,” comments
co-owner Harald Buser who is originally from
Holland, and maintains the eco-conscious at-
titudes with which he was raised.
PALM BEACH — Jolly Pirates has formed a part
of the tourism landscape, the billowing sails of Co-owner, and native New Englander, Carla
its twin schooners decorating the seascape, of- Cavallaro also seeks to support a healthy en-
fering sailing and memorable Aruba vacations. vironment. “Giving back to Aruba is easy when The entire team is proud of their role as mem-
Over the years, it has held to the winning formu- you consider all that the island has given me,” bers of the Aruba community for the last 20
la of majestic wooden ship, onboard merriment, remarks Carla, who watched her own son Ty- years and leading green initiatives. We reserve
and expert guidance for snorkeling adventures, ler grow up with a love of the sea. Blessed to a special thank you to everyone who partici-
while also seeking responsible, ‘Green’ ways to find home, happiness and business success in pates in our reduce and reuse efforts.
enhance community efforts. While visitors can Aruba, she is clearly passionate about doing Dedication to both good fun as well as sustain-
still look forward to perfecting their cannonball her part to protect the island’s treasured marine able tourism efforts keeps Jolly Pirates on top as
off the rope swing, they can also now toast to environment for the next generation. a favorite, must-do activity. Join the 20th year
another 20 years with recyclable cups anduse celebration by enjoying a Jolly Pirates snorkel-
reusable bags to carry off their Jolly Pirates sou- Ships’ Captains Julio, Ron and Edwin have all ing cruise, raising a toast in a recyclable cup,
venir booty in support of Aruba’s Marine Park been with Jolly Pirates since almost the very first and making an indelible memory of a fantastic
and marine protection goals. sail. Their combined capable assistance and Aruba stay.q
Transformation Seminar
ORANJESTAD — Charisse Hoen’s together in the beautiful AULA
diverse background has taught building on the University of Aruba’s
her many valuable life lessons. As campus for Charisse’s first seminar:
a nurse, she learned to hone her Transformation.
compassionate nature. As head
nurse for the Wit Gele Kruis White During the lively three-hour
Yellow Cross of Aruba she learned seminar, Charisse and her fabulous
to optimize her leadership skills. As guest presenters helped those in
coordinator of Student Affairs at the attendance learn to recognize,
University of Aruba she’s learned accept, manage and transform
how to help and encourage her their fears from a force that holds
students to believe in themselves them back in life, into a force that
and strive to always do their best. helps drive them forward. After
All the while, Charisse developed a an inspired, creative opening and thought to help get them through neurology of fear and stressed the
reputation for being an inspiration. some ice breaking exercises, the moments of fear and self-doubt. importance of mindful breathing;
Her consulting company, participants were broken into two Afterwards, personal presentations and then presented three
E.E.Ventures, grew out of Charisse’s groups. Those that remained in the were delivered by Junior Rivero techniques individuals can use to
desire to inspire people on a bigger AULA were treated to presentations and Josette Burke, who have both control their fear response. It was
scale. from Bert Wielenga and Roke Hoen. waged a war against fear and self- amazing to behold, during her
Bert guided an exercise to help doubt in their lives and come out guided deep breathing exercises
Saturday, October 27th 2018, people practice positive thinking victorious. the assembled visibly relaxed.
with the support of the University, - even during uncomfortable It was a wonderful morning of
amazing corporate sponsors such situations - and then Roke helped After a short break - with delicious education and self-discovery
as Aruba Bank and ARC Digital the group find ways to identify their snacks courtesy of Subway, Don where participants were
Agency and TouchPoint and her negative thoughts and get them Pastechi Factory and Smit & Dorlas encouraged and felt empowered
loving family, Charisse combined under control. - the groups traded places before to share their personal experiences
all those prior lessons and used everyone gathered back together while being supported in a venue
them to carve out a new path - Meanwhile, Charisse was busy for a talk from Aruba’s own ‘Guru of positive energy. You can follow
as a motivational speaker. People teaching the other group how to of Mindfulness’ Clementia Eugene. her on Facebook or Instagram for
from all walks of life gathered anchor themselves to a positive Clementia first addressed the inspiration messages.q