Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20
LOCAL Saturday 25 May 2019
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island
PALM BEACH ― Recently, guests who visit Aruba 10 Heyliger together with
Marouska Heyliger of the years and more consecu- the representatives of the
Aruba Tourism Authority tively. Playa Linda Beach Resort
had the great pleasure to presented the certificates
honor Aruba’s loyal and The honorees were Darrin to the honorees, and also
friendly visitors as Distin- and Kim Emperato from handed over some pres-
guished Visitors. The Distin- New York. The Emperato’s ents and thanked them for
guished Visitor certificate is love coming to the island choosing Aruba as their fa-
presented on behalf of the for the friendly people, din- vorite vacation destination
Minister of Tourism, as a to- ing and perfect weather. and as their home away
ken of appreciation to the from home. q