Page 21 - AHATA
P. 21
Saturday 25 May 2019
International Caribbean Airlift Conference on St. Maarten
By Bud Slabbaert ance”. Essential subjects re- various Caribbean coun-
ST. MAARTEN — The 4th lated to airports, air traffic, tries. Participants are typi-
annual Caribbean Avia- service optimization, desti- cally professionals of the
tion Meetup conference nation marketing, tourism aviation industry (airports,
will be held June 11-13 on development and more airlines, charter brokers,
St. Maarten/St. Martin. The will be discussed in an en- FBO, other aviation service
conference is hosted by vironment of interaction providers), the tourism in-
the tourism authorities of during the sessions and net- dustry (tourism boards) and
the two sides of the island, working around the event. government authority rep-
and is supported by a num- resentatives. Eight interna- cades that the Caribbean day the sessions will be held
ber of major international “Over the past four years tional aviation and travel is the world most tourism at Grand Case airport of St.
aviation companies. the Meetup has been get- journalists are accredited dependent region. But we Martin, French side, and
ting increased international to cover the event. have failed to act on the an exclusive ‘summit’ on
The Caribbean Avia- interest by experts, profes- simple fact that since most luxury tourism for a limited
tion Meetup conference, sionals, and major players “The conference, besides of the economic value of number of participants will
“CARIBAVIA” for short, is of the aviation industry. becoming a ‘must-attend’ tourism comes from the air be held and hosted by St.
a results and solutions ori- CARIBAVIA has become a event for some quite influ- traveler, the Caribbean is Barth. During the Awards
ented communication brand for a unique confer- ential people, is also cov- therefore that region of the Dinner, six professionals will
platform for stakeholders of ence format,” comments ering a subject that the world’s most dependent be presented with the Sap-
airlift which are the aviation Cdr. Bud Slabbaert the people of the Caribbean on air transportation. I think phire Pegasus Award for
and tourism industries. Chairman and Coordina- are rapidly beginning to this Meetup will be seen as their outstanding perfor-
The topics of the 30 ses- tor of the conference, “The realize is critical to their a most important turning mance in the field of Busi-
sions will vary from “Friendly event will be further devel- economic and social well- point for our regional econ- ness Aviation. There will also
Skies; Liberalizing Airlift in oped to justify its reputation being,” comments Vin- omy.” be Air Traffic Control Tower
the Caribbean” to as the most important airlift cent Vanderpool-Wallace, The conference venue is tours at St. Maarten’s Prin-
“Regional Airport Design For conference in the region.” Caribavia Board Member the Simpson Bay Resort on cess Juliana International
A Profit Making Concept”, and former Minister of Avia- St. Maarten, the Dutch side Airport.
and from “Re-Energizing Participants will join the tion and Tourism of the Ba- of the island, where the ses-
Destination Marketing” to 3-day event from 24 coun- hamas as well as former sions on the first and third Further information may be
“Training And Mentoring To tries/territories of North and CEO of the Caribbean day, as well as the social found at the CARIBAVIA
Service A Demanding Cli- Central America, Europe Tourism Organization. “We events will take place. On website at www.caribavia.
entele” and “U.S. Preclear- and Africa, as well as the have been saying for de- the second conference com. q