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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 8 May 2019
            Cash is still king: San Francisco bans credit-only stores

            By JANIE HAR                 counts.                      Anyone who wants to pay
            Associated Press             According  to  the  Federal  with  cash  will  be  swiped
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  Deposit  Insurance  Corpo-       through  the  turnstile  en-
            San    Francisco   officials  ration,  17  percent  of  Afri-  trance by employees. After
            voted  Tuesday  to  require  can  American  households  shoppers  grab  what  they
            brick-and-mortar   retailers  and  15  percent  of  Latino  want,  an  employee  will
            to  take  cash  as  payment,  households  had  no  bank  scan  the  items  with  a  mo-
            joining  Philadelphia  and  account.                      bile  device,  take  the  cash
            New  Jersey  in  banning  a  Some  people  also  prefer  and  give  customers  their
            growing paperless practice  to  use  cash  because  they  change.
            that critics say discriminates  don't want to leave a digi-  Amazon didn't say when its
            against low-income people  tal trail of where they have  11 other Go stores will start
            who may not have access  been and what they have  accepting cash.
            to credit cards.             bought.                      Plenty  of  cheap  dim  sum
            The  vote  by  the  Board  of  San  Francisco's  legislation  spots,  taquerias  and  dive
            Supervisors was unanimous.   requires  brick-and-mortar  bars take only cash in San    A customer carries his shopping bag as she walks out of a new-
            Supervisor  Vallie  Brown,  businesses  to  accept  cash  Francisco,  but  some  retail-  ly-opened Amazon Go store, Tuesday, May 7, 2019 in New York.
            who  introduced  the  legis-  for  goods  and  some  ser-  ers  argue  that  not  taking                                        Associated Press
            lation,  said  it  "will  go  far  in  vices.  Temporary  pop-up  cash  is  safer  and  more  ef-
            ensuring all San Franciscans  stores  and  internet-only  ficient.                     Andy Stone, vice president  quence of excluding those
            have  equitable  access  to  businesses  such  as  ride-  Cashless  restaurants  are  of brand marketing at Blue-   who  prefer  to  pay  or  can
            the city's economy."         hailing  companies  would  clustered in San Francisco's  stone  Lane,  said  the  com-  only pay with cash."
            Brown  said  she  thought  be exempt, as would food  Financial District and South  pany  "will  always  comply  The  San  Francisco  Cham-
            it  unfair  that  someone  trucks, which say they lack  of  Market  neighborhoods,  with the laws of jurisdictions  ber  of  Commerce  did
            couldn't  buy  a  sandwich  the  resources  to  handle  where white-collar employ-     where we operate."           not  take  a  position  on  the
            just  because  they  had  cash.                           ees devour upscale salads  The  other  companies  did  proposal.q
            cash. She said young peo-    Philadelphia and New Jer-    and protein bowls.           not respond to requests for
            ple,  victims  of  ID  theft,  im-  sey passed similar laws this  Those  now  refusing  paper  comment from The Associ-
            migrants   and    homeless  year.  Legislation  requiring  money  include  Bluestone  ated Press.
            people  are  among  those  merchants to accept cash  Lane,  a  New  York-based  Some businesses appear to
            who  don't  have  bank  ac-  also  has  been  introduced  coffee  chain,  and  The  Or-  be getting on board as the
            counts or credit cards.      in New York City.            ganic Coup, which sells or-  backlash grows.
            In  many  ways,  the  legisla-  The  efforts  come  after  the  ganic fast-food chicken. At  Salad  chain  Sweetgreen
            tion  was  an  easy  call  for  rollout last year of cashless  Freshroll  Vietnamese  Rolls  announced last month that
            San Francisco officials, who  Amazon  Go  stores,  which  & Bowls, which has several  it will accept cash at all its
            strive  to  make  life  more  require  customers  to  scan  lunch   spots   downtown,  restaurants  by  year's  end,
            equitable in a city with an  an app to enter . Whatever  signs  remind  customers  of  saying going cashless "had
            enormous wealth gap.         items  customers  take  are  its no-cash policy.          the   unintended    conse-
            High-paid   tech   workers  automatically  tallied  in  a
            who  flocked  to  San  Fran-  virtual cart and charged to
            cisco to work for Facebook,  a credit card.
            Google,  Uber  and  Airbnb  The  retail  giant  bowed  to
            may like the ease of paying  pressure  last  month  and
            by  credit  card,  debit  card  agreed  to  accept  cash
            or smartphone.               at  more  than  30  cashless
            But   many     low-income  stores.
            people,  including  more  Amazon  opened  its  first
            than  4,000  who  sleep  on  cash-accepting store Tues-
            San  Francisco's  streets  ev-  day  in  a  high-end  New
            ery  night,  likely  don't  have  York City shopping mall fre-
            money to sustain bank ac-    quented by office workers.
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