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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 8 May 2019

            Pro-LGBT poster with revered icon stirs Poland

            By MONIKA SCISLOWSKA                                                                                                campaigning  that  would
            Associated Press                                                                                                    avoid   provoking    some
            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —                                                                                            groups in society.
            Rights  groups  and  govern-                                                                                        The  case  has  highlighted
            ment  critics  in  Poland  pro-                                                                                     the clash in predominantly
            tested Tuesday after police                                                                                         Catholic  Poland  between
            temporarily detained a hu-                                                                                          the  freedom  of  speech
            man  rights  activist  for  put-                                                                                    and  laws  banning  hostil-
            ting  up  posters  depicting                                                                                        ity  against  religious  beliefs.
            the country's most revered                                                                                          On  social  media,  debate
            Catholic icon with the LGBT                                                                                         raged  between  critics  of
            rainbow  on  the  halos  of                                                                                         the  government  who  said
            Mary and baby Jesus.                                                                                                it was an abuse of power,
            Prosecutors  in  the  central                                                                                       and  Catholics  and  back-
            city of Plock said the wom-                                                                                         ers of the conservative rul-
            an  has  been  questioned                                                                                           ing party who argued their
            and  has  heard  charges  of                                                                                        feelings  were  intentionally
            insulting  religious  feelings                                                                                      hurt.
            and  desecration  of  the                                                                                           Deputy Justice Minister Pa-
            icon  of  Mother  of  God  of                                                                                       tryk Jaki called the posters
            Czestochowa,      popularly                                                                                         part of a campaign to "hu-
            known  as  the  Black  Ma-                                                                                          miliate Catholics" and said
            donna  of  Czestochowa,                                                                                             it has to be stopped.
            a  painting  housed  at  the   In this photo taken in Krakow, Poland, May 6, 2019, picketers with posters of Poland's most-revered   The  dispute  came  ahead
            Jasna  Gora  monastery  in   icon of Mother of God of Czestochowa with the LGBT rainbow colors added to its halos.  of  this  month's  European
            the city in southern Poland                                                                        Associated Press  Parliament elections.
            since the 14th-century.                                                                                             In recent weeks, the ruling
            The activist, 51-year-old Elz-  About  300  people  with  a  Poland, said the Polish au-  member  Jerzy  Buzek  said  rightwing  Law  and  Justice
            bieta Podlesna, last month  giant  rainbow  flag  and  thorities' harsh reaction was  things  like  altering  the  re-  party  has  described  the
            placed posters with altered  holding  posters  of  the  al-  "inconceivable."  The  War-  vered icon's image "should  LGBT  rights  movement  as
            images of the icon on walls,  tered icon heard speeches  saw-based  Helsinki  Foun-    not  take  place  because  a  danger  to  Polish  families
            garbage  bins  and  mobile  from  human  rights  activists  dation  of  Human  Rights  they can insult people who  and children. It seemed to
            toilets  near  St.  Dominik's  as they staged a peaceful  found  the  raid  on  Podle-  are deep believers."        be  tapping  into  a  belief
            church  in  Plock.  She  did  protest  in  downtown  War-  sna's  home  and  her  brief  Dariusz Rosati, a former left-  held  by  some  Poles  that
            not physically damage the  saw.                           detention  "hard  to  under-  wing  foreign  minister  who  liberal  values  have  been
            icon, which was venerated  Earlier  Tuesday,  European  stand."                        is now running for the Euro-  forced on them as a result
            by  pontiffs  including  Pope  Council  president  Donald  But  former  Prime  Minister  pean  Parliament,  suggest-  of Poland joining the EU 15
            John Paul II.                Tusk, who was in his native  and  European  Parliament  ed  using  less  controversial  years ago.q

            Pope: Commission on female deacons disagrees on ordination

            By NICOLE WINFIELD           mersion baptisms for wom-    to create a commission to
            Associated Press             en.  But  he  said  there  was  study the issue in 2016. Fran-
            ABOARD  THE  PAPAL  PLANE  no agreement on whether  cis  said  nothing  Tuesday
            (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  said  these  women  underwent  about how or whether the
            Tuesday  that  an  interna-  the  same  sacramental  or-  commission results might in-
            tional commission of schol-  dination as male deacons.    fluence any decision going
            ars  has  failed  to  reach  a  "It's fundamental that there  forward.  He  said  members
            definitive conclusion about  is  no  certainty  that  there  of  the  commission  were
            whether  women  were  or-    was an ordination with the  continuing  to  study  the  is-
            dained  as  deacons  in  the  same  formula,  with  the  sue on their own.
            early  Christian  church  in  same goal, as the male or-  Francis  is  due  to  meet  Fri-
            the same way men were.       dination," Francis said.     day  with  the  International
            Francis  told  reporters  re-  The result will likely be a blow  Union of Superiors General,
            turning home from the Bal-   to proponents of ordaining  which had asked Francis to
            kans  that  the  commission  female  deacons  today,  look into the question as a
            found  evidence  that  fe-   as well as the umbrella as-  way to give women great-     Pope Francis talks to reporters on his flight back to Rome, Tues-
            male  deacons  performed  sociation  of  religious  sisters  er decision-making roles in   day, May 7, 2019.
            functions that included im-  which  had  asked  Francis  the church.q                                                           Associated Press
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