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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 8 May 2019

            Official Thai election results favor anti-military party

            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Thai-                                                                                             allocation  of  seats  in  the
            land's  Election  Commis-                                                                                           lower house.
            sion  on  Tuesday  officially                                                                                       One constituency seat was
            endorsed  results  from  the                                                                                        left  unendorsed  after  the
            country's March 24 general                                                                                          Pheu  Thai  candidate  who
            election, declaring that the                                                                                        topped  the  vote  was  dis-
            Pheu Thai party associated                                                                                          qualified  for  breaking  an
            with  fugitive  former  Prime                                                                                       election  rule  by  donating
            Minister Thaksin Shinawatra                                                                                         money to a Buddhist monk
            topped the field by winning                                                                                         during the campaign.
            136 constituencies.                                                                                                 Thaksin,  a  billionaire  who
            The commission said the ri-                                                                                         made  his  fortune  in  tele-
            val military-backed Palang                                                                                          communications,  became
            Pracharath  party  ran  sec-                                                                                        prime minister in 2001 as the
            ond with 97 seats.                                                                                                  head of a party he found-
            It  is  still  unclear  who  will                                                                                   ed.  His  populist  policies
            form the next government,                                                                                           won  him  support  among
            as  both  of  the  top  two                                                                                         the  less  well-off  rural  ma-
            competitors  are  seeking                                                                                           jority  but  drew  the  wrath
            partners to achieve a par-                                                                                          of  the  country's  traditional
            liamentary majority.         In this Sunday, March 24, 2019, file photo, an election officer counts votes at a polling station in   ruling class, led by the mili-
            The  Election  Commission    Bangkok, Thailand.                                                                     tary  and  conservative  roy-
            came  under  heavy  criti-                                                                         Associated Press  alists, who felt his electoral
            cism  for  releasing  delayed                                                                                       strength  threatened  their
            and  confusing  preliminary  House  of  Representatives,  list  seats  will  be  awarded  mission must allocate them  influence.   When   asked
            vote  totals,  and  has  been  and  the  committee  en-   based  on  a  proportion  of  by Thursday. It has hedged  when  the  commission  will
            accused  of  tilting  in  favor  dorsed 349 of the 350 won  the overall nationwide vote  on exactly how the formula  finish investigating all cases,
            of the military.             by direct vote. The remain-  derived from a complicat-    will  be  applied,  making  it  he said "we will try to inves-
            There  are  500  seats  in  the  ing  150  so-called  party  ed  formula,  and  the  com-  difficult to project the total  tigate as fast as possible."q

            All directly involved in Sri Lanka attacks dead or arrested

            COLOMBO,  Sri  Lanka  (AP)  cide bombers died at their  jewelry.  Authorities  had
            — Two bomb experts were  targets  while  another  ex-     repeatedly  said  another
            among the suicide attack-    ploded his device later at a  attack  from  the  extremist
            ers  who  struck  churches  guesthouse after his device  group was possible.
            and  hotels  on  Easter  in  Sri  failed  at  a  leading  tourist  Sri Lanka's Catholic church
            Lanka and all those directly  hotel.  A  ninth  killed  herself  hierarchy  closed  churches
            involved  in  the  bombings  to avoid capture by police  for  a  second  weekend  on
            are  either  dead  or  under  at her home.                Sunday  as  the  faithful  cel-
            arrest, police said.         Police  have  detained  73  ebrated  Mass  from  home
            Acting  police  chief  C.D.  suspects  for  investigations  watching live on television.
            Wickramaratne also said in  since  the  bombings  and  But  on  Tuesday,  one  of
            a  statement  late  Monday  have  seized  stocks  of  ex-  the  churches  targeted  in
            that  explosives  the  Islamic  plosives,  improvised  explo-  the  attacks,  St.  Anthony's
            State-linked group stacked  sives devices and hundreds  Shrine in Colombo, opened
            for  use  in  more  attacks  of  swords.  Also  they  have  a section of the church to
            have been seized.            found  $140,000  in  cash  in  the public for the first time   Sri Lankan Catholic devotees light candles outside the St. An-
            The  bombings  killed  257  bank accounts connected  since  the  bombing,  en-         thony's  church  after  it  was  partially  opened  for  the  first  time
            people and wounded hun-      to  the  group  and  another  abling devotees to pray in   since Easter Sunday attacks, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Tuesday,
            dreds  at  three  churches  $40 million worth of assets in  the church as was custom-  May 7, 2019.                             Associated Press
            and three hotels. Seven sui-  land, houses, vehicles and  ary every Tuesday.q
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