Page 12 - aruba-today-20190508
P. 12

                     Wednesday 8 May 2019
            Venezuela's top court targets opposition lawmakers

            By FABIOLA SANCHEZ                                                                                                  turn  to  a  regional  defense
            CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA                                                                                                 agreement that dates from
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  Cold  War  —  a  move
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             that  could  provide  politi-
            —  Venezuela's  top  court                                                                                          cal cover for greater inter-
            opened  a  criminal  investi-                                                                                       national involvement in the
            gation  against  six  opposi-                                                                                       nation's  crisis.  The  matter
            tion  lawmakers  Tuesday                                                                                            was  referred  to  an  assem-
            following  last  week's  failed                                                                                     bly committee.
            attempt to spark a military                                                                                         Years ago, Venezuela and
            uprising  against  President                                                                                        other left-governed nations
            Nicolás Maduro.                                                                                                     pulled  out  of  the  U.S.-led
            The lawmakers are suspect-                                                                                          defense  pact,  the  Inter-
            ed of "betraying the home-                                                                                          American  Treaty  of  Recip-
            land"  and  "instigating  an                                                                                        rocal Assistance.
            insurrection,"  among  other                                                                                        U.S.  officials  have  repeat-
            charges,  the  pro-govern-                                                                                          edly  said  they  are  consid-
            ment  Supreme  Court  said.                                                                                         ering  military  "options"  in
            Those  facing  accusations                                                                                          the  Venezuelan  crisis,  in
            include prominent figures in   Venezuelan Bolivarian National stand guard around the National Assembly building as the oppo-  addition to diplomatic and
            the Venezuelan opposition    sition-controlled congress met to discuss a move could provide political cover for greater interna-  economic  pressure  that
            such as Henry Ramos Allup    tional involvement in the nation's crisis, in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, May 7, 2019.  has  been  intensifying  for
            and Luis Germán Florido.                                                                           Associated Press  months against Maduro.
            The  court  initially  had  said                                                                                    Military  police  prevented
            seven  faced  investigation,  Juan Guaidó urged soldiers  ment  announced  that  it  ficiency"  and  crack  down  journalists  from  entering
            but later in the day lowered  to  oust  Maduro,  who  has  was taking control of three  on illegal activity.        the   National   Assembly,
            the  number  to  six  without  taken  steps  to  reassert  his  private   airports.   Interior  Venezuela's   opposition-  and  some  reporters  were
            explanation.                 authority  in  the  aftermath  Minister Nestor Reverol de-  controlled congress, mean-  harassed  by  government
            The action came one week  of the failed uprising.         scribed  it  as  a  necessary  while, met to discuss a pro-  supporters   outside   the
            after   opposition   leader  Additionally,  the  govern-  measure to "guarantee ef-    posal  for  the  country's  re-  building.q

            Report: Puerto Rico saw 44% drop in students since '06

            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico                                                                                            school near their home.
            (AP)  —  Public  and  private                                                                                       A  separate  study  by  the
            school  enrollment  in  Puer-                                                                                       U.S. nonprofit Lumina Foun-
            to  Rico  has  dropped  44%                                                                                         dation  found  that  Puerto
            since 2006, researchers an-                                                                                         Rico  college  enrollment
            nounced  Tuesday,  lead-                                                                                            decreased by 7% over the
            ing  to  the  closure  of  265                                                                                      past  three  years,  but  that
            schools  and  raising  con-                                                                                         degree completion is high-
            cerns that children will start                                                                                      er on the island than in the
            to drop out.                                                                                                        U.S.  mainland.  It  is  the  first
            Investigators with the Cen-                                                                                         time the study includes sta-
            ter for Puerto Rican Studies                                                                                        tistics on Puerto Rico.
            at  New  York's  Hunter  Col-                                                                                       Courtney  Brown,  Lumina's
            lege said that a dispropor-                                                                                         vice  president  of  strategic
            tionate  number  of  school                                                                                         impact,  said  Puerto  Rico's
            closures - 65% - have come                                                                                          government  also  should
            in  rural  areas  on  the  eco-                                                                                     start thinking about its adult
            nomically struggling U.S. ter-                                                                                      population and how it can
            ritory,  compared  with  35%                                                                                        contribute to the economy.
            in urban areas. The center's                                                                                        "They  have  talent,  too,"
            director,  Edwin  Meléndez                                                                                          she  said.  "Puerto  Rico  has
            said the changes have led    In this May 5, 2017 file photo, Ana Sanchez and her 8-year-old daughter Naiyari lock the gates of   a number of challenges ...
            to cuts in school bus service   her school, The Dr. Isaac Gonzalez Martinez school, one of 179 closing that month amid an eco-  (The) human capital issue is
            and reduced access to pri-   nomic crisis in San Juan, Puerto Rico.                                                 just as urgent."
            mary school education.                                                                             Associated Press  The  reports  were  released
            "They  have  to  travel  lon-                                                                                       a  month  after  Puerto  Rico
            ger  distances.  Many  live  search of jobs and a more  for  families,  with  educa-   Meléndez said most of the  education  secretary  Ju-
            with grandparents or single  affordable  cost  of  living.  tion  being  a  top  factor  in  closures  involve  primary  lia  Keleher  resigned  amid
            mothers  where  transporta-  The  exodus  accelerated  the  debate  of  whether  to  and middle schools, noting  criticism  of  school  closures
            tion isn't available," he said.  after  Hurricane  Maria,  a  leave the island of 3.1 mil-  that the number of children  and  other  concerns.  A
            "They're going to have high  Category  4  storm  that  hit  lion people.               younger  than  5  has  de-   new  interim  secretary  has
            desertion rates."            in  September  2017  and  is  "That's  one  of  the  reasons  creased  42  percent  since  promised to create charter
            The  enrollment  drop  is  blamed  for  an  estimated  families who have emigrat-      2006.  But  he  said  he  wor-  schools  and  vouchers  as
            mostly a result of a 12-year  4% loss of the U.S. territory's  ed  are  not  coming  back,"  ries  about  young  children  ordered by the governor as
            recession that has sparked  population.                   he said of the closures. "The  who remain in Puerto Rico  part of a plan to overhaul
            an exodus of Puerto Ricans  Meléndez  said  schools  of-  exodus and population loss  and  the  increased  difficul-  the  island's  public  educa-
            to  the  U.S.  mainland  in  ten  serve  as  an  anchor  has not ended."               ties  they  face  in  finding  a  tion system.q
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