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                                                                                      September 17, 2019                                 Lantern

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                                                                                                                                          Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Trump: It looks like Iran hit Saudis, no military option yet

            By ROBERT BURNS              The   Saudi   government
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     called  the  attack  an  "un-
            dent  Donald  Trump  de-     precedented  act  of  ag-
            clared  Monday  it  "looks"  gression  and  sabotage"
            like  Iran  was  behind  the  but stopped short of direct-
            explosive  attack  on  Saudi  ly pinning blame on Iran.
            Arabian oil facilities. But he  Iran denied involvement.
            stressed  that  military  retali-  Trump,  who  has  repeat-
            ation was not yet on the ta-  edly stressed avoiding new
            ble in response to the strike  Middle  East  wars,  seemed
            against a key U.S. Mideast  intent  on  preserving  room
            ally.                        to maneuver in a crisis that
            Oil  prices  soared  world-  Secretary  of  State  Mike
            wide  amid  the  damage  Pompeo  had  immediately
            in  Saudi  Arabia  and  fresh  called Iran’s fault. Pompeo
            Middle East war concerns.  said  Saturday,  “Iran  has
            But  Trump  put  the  brakes  now launched an unprec-
            on any talk of quick military  edented  attack  on  the
            action  —  earlier  he  had  world’s energy supply.”
            said  the  U.S.  was  "locked  Trump,  too,  had  talked
            and  loaded"  —  and  he  more  harshly  at  first.  But
            said  the  oil  impact  would  by  Monday  afternoon  he
            not  be  significant  on  the  seemed intent on consulta-  President Donald Trump speaks before leaving the White House, Monday, Sept. 16, 2019, in Wash-
            U.S., which is a net energy  tions with allies.           ington.
            exporter.                         Continued on Next Page                                                                        Associated Press
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