Page 21 - AHATA
P. 21

                   Tuesday 1 OcTOber 2019
            New Face for Casa del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare

                                                                                    ways as that will disturb our guests  Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare did
                                                                                    and we do not want that.” In the  its upmost not to disturb the guests
                                                                                    past two months, Jacqueline and  too much. Jacqueline: “The guests
                                                                                    her  team  have  managed  to  do  are informed ahead so they know
                                                                                    65% of all the suites.              when  my  team  enters  the  room
                                                                                                                        for  some  time  to  switch  the  furni-
                                                                                    Happy Guests                        ture  and  appliances.  It  is  a  more
                                                                                    There  is  brand  new  furniture  and  than  pleasant  surprise  when  they
                                                                                    appliances. Was it necessary? Yes,  come  back  and  find  their  made-
                                                                                    said  the  management  and  also  over  suite.”  She  says  most  guests
                                                                                    Jacqueline.  “In  my  opinion  we  are  so  excited  and  happy,  like
                                                                                    needed  a  fresh  look.  The  resort  is  in  those  TV-shows  you  watch  the
                                                                                    more than 30 years old and during  before-and-after stages. The suites
                                                                                    the years the interior style got a bit  can be vacant or occupied; Jac-
                                                                                    old fashioned.” Now, all the suites  queline  needs  to  work  around  it.
                                                                                    are in the same modern style with  “Some  guests  are  so  happy  that
                                                                                    tropical warmth.                    they even stay in to help, you can
                                                                                    The  organizing  of  this  renovation  see many guests wished for these
                                                                                    takes some effort as the Casa del  changes.”q

            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Casa  del  Mar  to replacing old furniture and ap-
            Beach  Resort  &  Timeshare  offers  pliances.  The  logistics,  another
            you  paradise:  stay  in  a  wonder-  challenge, is all managed by Jac-
            ful,  oceanfront  location  or  pool-  queline and her crew. “When the
            side timeshare suites with a world  containers come in I am ready to
            of amenities that include a spa, a  go and the guys take out the stuff.
            restaurant, and a fitness center. At  Then  we  divide  the  boxes  over
            this moment, the resort is undergo-  the  different  floors.  When  we  fin-
            ing a refurbishment of their façade,  ish that we enter each room and
            as well as the interior of the suites.  put  all  in  place.”  Sometimes  they
            Jacqueline Winklaar is the woman  take one block, other times a com-
            behind the make-over.               plete floor. “It depends on what is
                                                brought  in  by  the  containers  and
            She is a strong and confident wom-  also on the vacancy. We need to
            an  amidst  a  team  of  six-muscled  make sure not to block elevators or
            men_  a  necessity  when  it  comes  have  too  many  boxes  in  the  hall-

            Honor to the Goodwill Ambassadors visitors of La Quinta Beach Resort

                                                                                                                          EAGLE  BEACH  —  Recently,  Ms.
                                                                                                                          Darline S. de Cuba of Aruba Tour-
                                                                                                                          ism Authority had the great plea-
                                                                                                                          sure  to  honor  loyal  and  friendly
                                                                                                                          visitors of Aruba as Goodwill Am-
                                                                                                                          bassadors  at  their  home  away
                                                                                                                          from home.

                                                                                                                          The honored were:
                                                                                                                          Harold  Clark  and  Jo  Anne
                                                                                                                          Saberre,  residents  from  Flower
                                                                                                                          Mound,  Texas  visiting  the  island
                                                                                                                          20  years  consecutive.  &  Linda
                                                                                                                          Montecchi & Diane Schmitt,
                                                                                                                          residents  of  Saddle  Brook,  New
                                                                                                                          Jersey visiting the island 30 years

                                                                                                                          The symbolic honorary title is pre-
                                                                                                                          sented on behalf of the Minister
                                                                                                                          of Tourism, as a token of appreci-
                                                                                                                          ation to the guests who visit Aru-
                                                                                                                          ba  between  10-20-35  and  more
                                                                                                                          consecutive years.

                                                                                                                          De  Cuba  thanked  them  for
                                                                                                                          choosing Aruba as their vacation
                                                                                                                          destination  and  as  their  home
                                                                                                                          away  from  home  for  so  many
                                                                                                                          years together with the members
                                                                                                                          of La Quinta Beach Resort.q
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