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Thursday 1 November 2018
The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba celebrates its 5th anniversary with a super campaign.
5 days – 5 raffles and $ 50,000 in cash prizes and a cruise vacation!
Palm Beach, Aruba — In November, The Casino
at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba will be celebrating its
5th anniversary and here for launches its cam-
paign “5-Year Anniversary Promotion” where
you can win your share of $50,000 in cash priz-
es and also cruise vacations with destination
All visitors of The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aru-
ba can take part in this campaign just by being
a member. If you are not a member yet right
away and enjoy of all the benefits they have
to offer. Starting November 1st, 2018, for every
80 points accumulated, you will receive a raffle
ticket. There will be 4 boxes where you can de-
posit your raffle ticket to participate. 5 days of
raffles with $50,000 in cash prizes and cruise va-
cations with a total of 50 winners.
The winners of the campaign will be selected
during the last 5 days of November starting from
November 26th till November 30th at 10 PM at
The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba. at 8 PM. There will be a grand Bingo on Novem- the best Tier Program on the island where loyal
The campaign will be closing on November ber 25th, 2018, starting at 1 PM with a standing members can enjoy exclusive benefits.
30th with a Mega Win of $ 25,000 in cash prizes Jackpot of Awg. 50,000. The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton Aruba offers high
and live entertainment by Robert Jeandor y su Visitors of The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba quality service and a guaranteed, unique ex-
Solo Banda Show. are very enthusiast with this campaign seeing perience. For more information regarding the
There will be different promotions throughout that there is a big chance of winning and being “5-Year Anniversary Promotion” pass by the VIP
the month of November which visitors will have able to choose the campaign of their prefer- Desk of The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton Aruba or
the opportunity to win, including a $ 15,500 Slot ence. The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba call at 527-2276/ 527-2277 and they will happily
tournament on November 24th, 2018, starting not only offers different promotions but also has assist you will all the details.q
Designing a better world
ORANJESTAD —- Global follows the steps of the Des- Designathon is an initiative
Children’s Designathon ignathon method, a unique of Designathon Works and
2018 and HopeAruba future ready education brought to Oranjestad, Aru-
Movement Foundation: method which teaches ba by their partner HopeA-
1.000 children throughout children around the world ruba Movement Founda-
the world working in paral- to use their creativity and tion.
lel to design solution for a design future while using With their education meth-
better world and this year new technologies. The od Designathon Works fo-
also in Aruba! method combines Design cuses on developing a fu-
Thinking and Maker Edu- ture proof skills in children.
The fourth edition of the cation, both approaches These skills, such as creative
Global Children’s Desig- which are gaining ground and critical thinking, com-
nathon will take place on in education systems. municating, collaborating,
Saturday 3 November. Dur- digital literacy, help the
ing this very special day, Children around the world children in the continuously
1.000 children in 30 cities are concerned about so- changing and increasingly
all around the world, from ciety and the future of the complex future. A future
Melbourne to Bogota, and International School of Aru- their ideas using glue guns, earth. The innovative ideas that they learn to shape
from Amsterdam to Johan- ba. Children will start the mini-motors, micro:bits, of children around these themselves through this ed-
nesburg, will work in parallel day researching the theme LED-lights, sensors and re- themes are valuable and ucation.
to design creative solutions of deforestation in relation cycled materials. Through focus on the future. Some- The Global Children’s Des-
for Deforestation, part of to their city, and in specific an online connection, the times so valuable that they ignathon is supported by
the Sustainable Develop- to the consequences of children are in contact with are adopted by compa- the City of Amsterdam, Pa-
ment Goal No. 15: Life on it such as air pollution, en- the teams in other coun- nies and, in consultation tagonia, Bugaboo, Talud,
Land. dangered species and loss tries and at the end of the with the young designer, Yoxi, Chocolonely Founda-
of habitat. Next step is ide- day, the children present can be developed into a tion, Conservation Interna-
In Oranjestad, Aruba this ation and sketching ideas, their inventions to a panel product or service. tional, WWF, PWC, World
design marathon with chil- and finally children will of experts, parents and the Largest Lesson and Expo
dren will take place at the be building prototypes of public. The whole process The fourth Global Children’s Live.q