Page 13 - UTILTIES 12 APRIL 2017
P. 13

Wednesday 12 april 2017 BUSINESS

            US stock indexes end little changed; oil price recovers

                                                                                                   0.03  percent,  to  20,651.30.  civil war.
                                                                                                   The  Nasdaq  composite  in-  Wall Street’s so-called “fear
                                                                                                   dex slid 14.15 points, or 0.2  index,”  known  as  the  VIX,
                                                                                                   percent, to 5,866.77.        surged  7.3  percent  to  its
                                                                                                   Small-company       stocks  highest level since Novem-
                                                                                                   bucked    the   downward  ber.  Government  bonds
                                                                                                   trend.  The  Russell  2000  in-  also  reflected  growing  un-
                                                                                                   dex rose 9.86 points, or 0.7  ease among investors. The
                                                                                                   percent, to 1,376.95. Rising  yield  on  the  benchmark
                                                                                                   stocks  outnumbered  de-     U.S. 10-year note fell to 2.30
                                                                                                   clining  ones  on  the  New  percent  from  2.36  percent
                                                                                                   York Stock Exchange.         late Monday. As bond pric-
                                                                                                   Major indexes started off in  es rise, yields drop.
                                                                                                   the red early Tuesday and  And gold, often sought out
                                                                                                   held  their  course  the  rest  by investors in times of glob-
                                                                                                   of the day as traders moni-  al uncertainty, rose $20.30,
                                                                                                   tored  the  latest  headlines  or 1.6 percent, to $1,274.20
                                                                                                   on North Korea and Russia-   an ounce. “One of our pre-
                                                                                                   U.S.  relations.  North  Korea  dictions  this  year  is  we’re
                                                                                                   said there could be “cata-   going to have higher vola-
                                                                                                   strophic   consequences”  tility,”  said  Bob  Doll,  chief
                                                                                                   after  the  U.S.  ordered  the  equity strategist at Nuveen
                                                                                                   USS Carl Vinson aircraft car-  Asset Management. “It’s to
            Trader Anthony Riccio, left, and specialist Dilip Patel work on the floor of the New York Stock Ex-  rier and its battle group to  be  expected  with  all  the
            change. The major U.S. stock indexes barely budged Tuesday on another day of mostly light trad-  waters off the Korean Pen-  economic uncertainties, all
            ing ahead of the Easter holiday weekend.
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  insula. Nerves were already  the  geopolitical  uncertain-
                                                                                                   on  edge  with  U.S.-South  ties.”  A  dash  of  favorable
            ALEX VEIGA                   estate companies notched  tle bit nervous to add on to  Korea  war  games  under-      economic news failed to lift
            AP Business Writer           the biggest gains. Oil prices  their positions,” said JJ Kina-  way,  following  recent  bal-  the  market.  The  Labor  De-
            The major U.S. stock indexes  recovered  after  an  early  han, chief market strategist  listic  missile  launches  by  partment reported that job
            barely budged Tuesday on  slide.  Bond  yields  fell  and  at TD Ameritrade.           the North that have rattled  openings  rose  2.1  percent
            another day of mostly light  the price of gold rose as in-  The Standard & Poor’s 500  neighboring countries.       in February to a seasonally
            trading ahead of the Easter  vestors  kept  an  eye  on  ris-  index fell 3.38 points, or 0.1  Meanwhile,  U.S.  Secretary  adjusted  5.7  million.  Job
            holiday weekend.             ing geopolitical tensions.   percent,  to  2,353.78.  The  of State Rex Tillerson was in  openings  have  increased
            Technology     stocks   de-  “Heading  into  the  holiday  Dow  Jones  industrial  aver-  Moscow to meet with Rus-  3.2  percent  over  the  past
            clined  the  most,  while  real  weekend, people are a lit-  age slipped 6.72 points, or  sian officials about the Syria  12 months. q

              Gas prices will rise this summer but should remain low

            MARLEY JAY                   Administration  on  Tuesday   did  in  the  middle  of  2014.  ing firm GasBuddy.      lieves the average price of
            AP Markets Writer            forecast that retail gas will   Prices  tumbled  after  that  Gas  prices  rise  over  the  gas will rise to $2.39 a gal-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  You  cost  an  average  of  $2.46     because of a huge supply  summer  as  more  people  lon  this  year,  from  $2.15  a
            didn’t think those super-low  a gallon from April through   glut.                      hit the road to take advan-  gallon in 2016.
            gas prices would last forev-  September,  up  from  $2.23   “Motorists   have   gotten  tage of the warmer weath-   If  that  holds,  the  aver-
            er, did you?                 a  gallon  over  the  summer   used  to  gas  prices  under  er and school breaks. And  age  U.S.  household  would
            The U.S. government says a  of 2016.                      $3  a  gallon  and  that  will  while gas prices can vary a  spend about $200 more on
            rebound in oil prices means  The  price  of  crude  oil  has   continue,” says Patrick De-  great  deal  depending  on  gasoline than it did in 2016,
            drivers will be paying more  risen  about  15  percent    Haan, senior petroleum an-   geography and other fac-     the EIA said. q
            at  the  pump  this  summer  over the last year, although   alyst for the gas price track-  tors, the agency says it be-
            than last year.              at $53 a barrel, oil still costs
            The   Energy    Information  about  half  as  much  as  it
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