Page 24 - AHATA
P. 24

                         Friday 7 June 2019
            Mexico plans border 'unity' rally, nabs 2 migrant activists

            By MARK STEVENSON                                                                                                   He also confirmed Mexican
            Associated Press                                                                                                    prosecutors had taken two
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-                                                                                            immigration  activists  into
            co's president said Thursday                                                                                        custody  but  denied  the
            he will hold a "unity" rally on                                                                                     arrests  were  carried  out
            the  border  in  Tijuana  two                                                                                       to  please  the  U.S.  govern-
            days  before  the  U.S.  is  set                                                                                    ment.
            to impose tariffs on all Mexi-                                                                                      "We  do  not  act  against
            can imports.                                                                                                        anybody to please any for-
            President  Andrés  Manuel                                                                                           eign government," he said.
            López Obrador announced                                                                                             Rights  groups  said  one  of
            a  demonstration  will  be                                                                                          those arrested is Irineo Mu-
            held  Saturday  to  defend                                                                                          jica,  who  has  coordinated
            Mexico's  "dignity"  amid  a                                                                                        logistics  and  strategies  for
            looming  threat  from  U.S.                                                                                         some of the migrant cara-
            President  Donald  Trump,                                                                                           vans  that  have  crossed
            who  has  pledged  to  im-                                                                                          Mexico in previous months.
            pose 5% tariffs on Mexican                                                                                          Mujica, of the migrant rights
            products  unless  the  coun-                                                                                        group Pueblo Sin Fronteras,
            try prevents Central Ameri-                                                                                         appears  to  hold  dual  U.S.
            can migrants from traveling                                                                                         and  Mexican  citizenship
            through its territory.                                                                                              and has had brushes in the
            López  Obrador  expressed                                                                                           past  with  Mexican  police
            confidence that an agree-                                                                                           related  to  protests  in  fa-
            ment  could  be  reached     In this April 9, 2019 file photo, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador answers ques-  vor  of  migrants.  The  latest
            as  talks  continued  Thurs-  tions from journalists at his daily 7 a.m. press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City,   action  by  López  Obrador
            day,  but  did  not  offer  any   Tuesday.                                                                          comes  amid  growing  an-
            specifics  beyond  rejecting                                                                       Associated Press  ger  on  the  part  of  Trump,
            the use of force against mi-                                                                                        who  has  railed  against  a
            grants.                      friendship  with  the  people  over the last 20 years.    he  stressed  Thursday  that  huge increase in the num-
            "I  am  calling  together  the  of  the  United  States,"  said  López  Obrador  has  said  "U.S.  authorities  have  be-  ber  of  migrants  from  Hon-
            people  of  Mexico  ...  for  a  the president, who has held  over  and  over  again  that  haved  very  well,  because  duras,  Guatemala  and  El
            rally  to  defend  the  dignity  a  multitude  of  demonstra-  his goal is to avoid any con-  they  have  not  cut  off  the  Salvador who cross Mexico
            of  Mexico,  and  in  favor  of  tions  while  in  public  office  frontation  with  Trump,  and  dialogue."        to reach the U.S. border. q

            Argentina and Brazil reject Maduro, discuss economic ties

            Associated Press                                                                                                    Macri  and  Bolsonaro  are
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           facing mounting challeng-
            (AP)  —  Brazil's  President                                                                                        es at home.
            Jair  Bolsonaro  and  Argen-                                                                                        Argentines  are  frustrated
            tina's  President  Mauricio                                                                                         by a recession, a sharp de-
            Macri reiterated their rejec-                                                                                       preciation of the peso and
            tion of Venezuela's socialist                                                                                       a  high  inflation  rate  that
            president  on  Thursday  as                                                                                         have fueled protests.
            the  conservative  Brazilian                                                                                        Bolsonaro  had  a  big  elec-
            leader paid a state visit to                                                                                        tion  victory  last  year  but  is
            Buenos Aires.                                                                                                       struggling  to  advance  on
            Venezuela is suffering from                                                                                         his agenda and is also cop-
            an  economic  and  gover-                                                                                           ing with a crashing curren-
            nance crisis that has forced                                                                                        cy.  He  has  faced  protests
            more than 3 million people                                                                                          against  plans  for  a  spend-
            to  flee  the  country,  and                                                                                        ing  freeze  on  education
            dozens of nations consider                                                                                          and has seen his approval
            Maduro's  government  to                                                                                            ratings drop.
            be illegitimate.                                                                                                    Activists  in  Argentina  said
            Macri,  who  will  seek  re-                                                                                        they  would  stage  demon-
            election  in  October,  has                                                                                         strations  later  in  the  day
            been critical of leftist former                                                                                     against Bolsonaro, who has
            President  Cristina  Fernán-  Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro, second left, his wife first lady Michelle Bolsonaro, left, Argentina's   disparaged women, blacks
            dez,  saying  that  if  she  re-  President Mauricio Macri, second right, and his wife first lady Juliana Awada pose for a photo at   and gays and posted fake
            turns  return  to  power  as   the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Thursday, June 6, 2019.             stories about reporters, de-
            vice  president,  Argentina                                                                        Associated Press  clared  Brazil  shouldn't  be
            will  suffer  the  same  prob-                                                                                      allowed to become "a gay
            lems as Venezuela.           do  everything  possible  to  cussed  potential  energy  South  America's  Mercosur  paradise" and insulted oth-
            "All  of  South  America  is  restore democracy in Ven-   deals and the fight against  trade  bloc,  which  he  said  er  politicians.  Amnesty  In-
            concerned  that  there  will  ezuela,"  Macri  added,  as  corruption  and  organized  is "very close" to finishing a  ternational said it had sent
            be no other Venezuelas in  he stood alongside his Bra-    crime, which is entrenched  free trade deal with the Eu-  a letter to Macri asking him
            the region," Bolsonaro said  zilian  counterpart  at  the  in both nations.            ropean Union.                to keep in mind Bolsonaro's
            on his first visit to Argentina.  presidential palace.    Macri  said  both  countries  Brazil  is  Argentina's  top  aggressive  rhetoric  ahead
            Argentina  and  Brazil  "will  The two presidents also dis-  would  seek  to  improve  trade  partner,  but  both  of their meeting.q
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