Page 25 - AHATA
P. 25
Friday 7 June 2019
“We fell in Love on and with Aruba”
EAGLE BEACH — Nine years Both did not expect at all the knot and asked her to
ago Joan and Sal Fusco to find romance again, marry him. The couple mar-
met on Aruba and fell in moreover it never occurred ried in September 2011 and
love. Now, they are cele- to them to marry again. But since then visited Aruba
brating their eight years of love finds its own way and whenever possible. Their
marriage on our One Hap- the link here appeared to combined family of five
py Island, a slogan made be Joan’s sister Paula. She children and many grand-
true by the love couple. owned a time share at Aru- children contribute to their
This is a story about hap- ba Beach Club like Sal and happiness.
piness, love and positivity. they have become friends.
Aruba Today congratulates When Joan joined her sister “All we do is laugh and
the wonderful couple and in her vacation in 2010 she have fun. We never ex- do you part’ weighs differ- as they are into anything
hope their great energy was not aware of the life- pected anything like this to ent when you marry young, now. “I hope we empower
rubs off on many more of turning effect this vacation happen. We have such a but to us this is reality now.” others to still believe in love,
us. Love knows no bound- would be to her. good time”, Joan says. To They both are grateful to even if you lost your be-
aries and that is proven by “I came to relax on the Sal this wedding is very spe- spend their last years of loved wife or husband. Life
Joan and Sal! beach, enjoy dining and cial and the words during their lives filled with this love is not over. You can love
unwind a bit in the casino”, the service are meaningful. for each other. It feels like again and enjoy and share
Joan and Sal got married she said. This happened to “The sentence ‘till death their love rejuvenates them life with someone new.” q
at the age of 72 (he) and be the same intention Sal
73 (she) after being wid- had with his stay on Aruba.
owed for a few years. Since But destiny decided other-
the late 1980’s, Sal and his wise and the first night of
wife Theresa had spent their vacation they were
their vacations on Aruba introduced by Bobby Con-
every year and decided nearnet, Sal’s cousin. When
to purchase two weeks they met again the next
of timeshare at the Aruba day they became instant-
Beach Club. Joan and her ly inseparable and Joan
husband John Ward were even extended her vaca-
also frequent visitors over tion. Back in the States, Sal
the years and stayed at knocked on Joan’s door
the Palm Beach area. Af- the very next day of his ar-
ter 47 years of marriage, rival. He lived only half an
both Joan and Sal lost their hour from Joan’s home.
spouses in respectively After being constant com-
2005 and 2008. panions sal decided to tie