Page 8 - MIN ECEM 31 DEC 2016
P. 8
Saturday 31 december 2016
Golden Honeymoon: Couple Celebrates 50 Anniversary in Aruba
Roz & Jay Weiss of Long and Shane (5).
Island, New York spent They hosted a cocktail
their honeymoon on party on 12/28/2016 as
Aruba in 1967 and have all their family came to
been coming to Aruba celebrate at Costa Linda
for 50 years. They are Beach Resort where they
here on Aruba for their are owners since pre-
50th Anniversary and construction and has been
are celebrating with their home for 25 years, for
their daughters Nicole all of their friends at Water’s
and Danielle, son- Edge Restaurant and hope
in-law Michael, and to return for many years to
grandchildren Chloe (10) come!