Page 9 - MIN ECEM 31 DEC 2016
P. 9
LOCAL Saturday 31 december 2016
Tropicana Casino celebrates 5 anniversary with Smart TV raffle
Tropicana Casino Aruba The casino kicked off “An- this TV Gadget Giveaway, machines from December Smart TV Drawing Saturday
just marked its five-year an- niversary Week,” a two- you can win one of the 43 25th, 10am till December December 31, 2015 from
niversary, celebrating the week-long series of spe- inch smart TVs. 31st 11pm, guests will re- 8pm – 11pm & 1am – 2am
amazing success it has ex- cial promotions, with the To enter Trop Advantage ceive an electronic entry The Tropicana Casino offers
perienced since opening Grand Birthday celebra- members, for every 25 for raffles to win one of the nothing but the best, for its
its doors on December 16, tion of the 5th Anniversary, points accumulated on slot 10, 43” Smart TV’s. guests!q
2011. The casino features on Friday, December 16th,
130 slots machines, with a from 6pm to – 11pm, with
mix of video poker, reel vid- Hot Seat drawings every
eo, multi games and 5 ta- 30 minutes! As guests play
ble games, offering guests their favorite slots, they are
a variety of great gaming being selected to enter
options. the “Our Anniversary, Your
“We are incredibly hum- Gift” promotion, and win
bled by the success we up to $500 in cash as well
have enjoyed since open- as Tropicana Casino Free
ing our doors five years Slot Play, with PLINKO. The
ago,” said Richard Roy, party culminates at 11pm
general manager of Tropi- with a spectacular raffle for
cana Aruba Resort & Ca- a Christmas week stay for 4
sino. at Tropicana Aruba Resort
“Thanks to our strong mo- & Casino where Mrs. Mari-
tivated team members on Francis was the ultimate
and local level, we have lucky winner.
been fortunate to provide As we look back on a suc-
exceptional entertainment cessful anniversary pro-
and gaming to our guests motion, we welcome our
every year. The future of “New Year’s 10 Smart TV
Tropicana Casino Aruba Giveaway” Tropicana Ca-
is brighter than ever be- sino Aruba offer players a
fore, and we look forward promotion in which there
to continued growth and are 10 Samsung Ultra HD
prosperity.” Smart TVs up for grabs. In