P. 14
14 AWEMainta Diabierna, 22 Maart 2019
FAA ta tene un encuesta bou comunidad
Fundacion Autismo Aruba, FAA, pa prome biaha, ta tene
AUCTION un encuesta representativo pa midi e conocemento y con-
THURSDAY MARCH 28, 2019 sientisacion riba Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD.
A lanza e encuesta dia 20 di Maart, durante e April ta
luna di Autismo y un biaha mas, FAA ta enfoca atencion
On Thursday March 28, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room special riba e trastorno, cu tambe ta conoci como Autism
of the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in
public. ex. art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba: Spectrum Disorder, ASD.
A lanza e encuesta durante e Research Expo organiza pa
_______________________________________________ Facultad di Arte y Sciencia, FAS. E expo tabata e momento
apropia pa expone studiantenan di FAS na investigadonan. E
A residential house, locally known as investigacion di FAA ta den man di dos studiante di Coastal
University Carolina Lizeth Alcantara y Matthew Eichenlaub
MADIKI KAVEL 1-B cu ta den nan pasantia na FAA. Nan ta haya guia di miem-
bro nobo di directiva Carolina Span.
standing on a parcel of public land, 794 m2 in size, situated at E encuesta ta pa pone un base con familiar comunidad di
Madiki in Aruba, locally recorded as First Divison Section N
number 1611. The lease rights will expire on September 14, Aruba ta cu ASD. E ta consisti di preguntanan relativa-
2059. mente simpel pa permiti mas hende contesta e preguntan-
an. Ademas, e ta un formato cu ta permiti comparacion cu
Starting bid: Afl. 214.000,--
otro paisnan. E datonan cu e encuesta lo produci, ta deter-
_________________________________________________ mina e maneho di FAA riba e tereno di consientisacion en
general, pero tambe di gruponan afecta en particular.
A residential house, locally known as E encuesta ta digital y ta den idioma Ingles, mirando cu e
studiantenan Mericano lo mester analisa e datonan aki. Ta
POS CHIKITO 70-D invita comunidad riba 18 aña pa participa na e encuesta
aki cu ta tuma dos a tres minuut maximo pa contesta. Tin
standing on a parcel of public land, 298 m2 in size, situated at cuater link, cu ta specificamente pa e diferente gruponan
Madiki in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Divison Section G cu ta invita pa contesta e 10 preguntanan.
number 2353. The lease rights will expire on August 1st, 2038. Nan ta:
Starting bid: Afl. 351.000,-- pa hende muhe entre 18 pa 45,
pa hende muhe di 46 of mas,
pa hende homber entre 18 pa 45,
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure pa hende homber di 46 of mas,
auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
civil law notary T.R. Johnson. E motibo pakico tin cuater link pa e diferente categorianan,
• The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. apesar cu ta e mesun preguntanan ta pa asina por haya mas
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. dato y mas diferenciacion entre e gruponan posibel. Pues
• The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a unabez cu un persona di cierto edad habri un link, ya caba
reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased investigadonan sa den cua grupo e ta cay.
with an amount equal to the auction costs. E encuesta aki ta parti di diferente actividad cu FAA ta or-
ganizando pa luna di April cu ta luna di Autismo. Lo inicia
e luna cu e tradicional Light it up Blue, dia 2 di April, cu ta
For more information:
Dia Mundial di Consientisacion di Autismo y ta sigui cu e
WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM Blue Race dia 7 di April.
Lo tene comunidad informa riba e actividadnan aki.