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P. 17
Dutch Caribbean
Windsurf Championship
May 21, 2019
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
1st black woman sworn in as Chicago mayor
By MICHAEL TARM priorities. Hours later, she
CHICAGO (AP) — Lori Light- signed an executive order
foot told aldermen and limiting aldermanic prerog-
other city powerbrokers as- ative, a custom that allows
sembled at her inaugura- each alderman to direct
tion Monday as Chicago's zoning and period deci-
first black woman mayor sions in their ward.
that she meant what she Among her toughest chal-
said on the campaign trail lenges — and perhaps the
about top-to-bottom re- one most scrutinized by
forms in the nation's third those outside the city — will
largest city. be overhauling the belea-
"For years, they've said guered Chicago Police
Chicago ain't ready for re- Department.
form," said Lightfoot, speak- Lightfoot isn’t the first in-
ing minutes after her swear- coming Chicago mayor to
ing-in at the Wintrust Arena. have pledged to overhaul
"Well, get ready, because a department accused
reform is here." for decades of abuses.
She spoke about curtail- But with a court-monitored
ing some powers of city plan, or consent decree,
council members to lessen recently approved by U.S.
temptations for corruption District Judge Robert Dow,
and that structural chang- she has the best chance of
es to reduce gun violence actually getting it done. Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot speaks during her inauguration ceremony Monday, May 20, 2019,
would be among her top Continued on Page 3 in Chicago.
Associated Press