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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Saturday 20 July 2019
            Pocket-sized shark squirts glowing                                                                                           HEALTH

            clouds from pockets                                                                                                    DOCTOR ON DUTY

            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  A  a  bioluminescent  abdo-                                                                  Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            pocket-sized  pocket  shark  men, though four decades                                                               Tel. 527 4000
            found in the Gulf of Mexico  pickled  in  formaldehyde                                                                    San Nicolas
            has turned out to be a new  probably have made it im-                                                                IMSAN 24 Hours
            species.                     possible to tell, Grace said                                                            Tel.524 8833
            And the mysterious pouch-    Friday.                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            es  that  it's  named  for,  up  The  luminescence  might                                                           PHARMACY ON DUTY
            near its front fins? Scientists  conceal  the  shark  from                                                          Oranjestad:
            say they squirt little glowing  prey or from predators, he                                                          Sta. Trupial Tel. 583 8560
            clouds into the ocean.       said.  Differences  between                                                            San Nicolas:
            Researchers  from  around  the two specimens include                                                                Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
            the  Gulf  and  in  New  York  a possible pressure-sensitive                                                        Women in Difficulties
            have  named  the  species  organ that the new species     This undated image provided by National Oceanic Atmospheric   OTHER
            the American pocket shark,  could use to detect motion    Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fish-  Dental Clinic 587 9850
            or  Mollisquama  (mah-lihs-  hundreds of feet away and    eries Science Center shows a 5.5-inch long rare pocket shark.  Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            KWAH-muh)  mississippiensis  some  differences  in  the                                            Associated Press  Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                                                                                                Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            (MISS-ih-sip-ee-EHN-sis).    teeth,  the  scientists  wrote.  that he had something un-                             +297 588 0539
            It's  only  the  third  out  of  The  new  species  may  also  usual: "I figured I was doing                        Women in Difficulties
            more than 500 known shark  have as many as 10 fewer  something wrong."                                              EMERGENCY
            species  that  may  squirt  lu-  vertebrae  than  the  other  He called Tulane University                           Police           100
            minous liquid, said R. Dean  one,  called  Mollisquama  scientists saying, "Look, I've                              Oranjestad       527 3140
            Grubbs, a Florida State Uni-  parini.                     got  some  really  unusual                                Noord            527 3200
            versity scientist who was not  Grace, who is based in Pas-  deep-water  stuff  I  want  to                          Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            involved in the research. He  cagoula,  Mississippi,  said  archive  in  your  collection                           San  Nicolas      584 5000
            said the other two are the  the baby shark was among  ,  including  a  shark  I  can't                              Police Tipline      11141
            previously  known  pocket  specimens  collected  dur-     identify."  Scientists  at  the                           Fire Dept.       115
            shark and the taillight shark  ing a 2010 survey to find out  American Museum of Nat-                               Red Cross        582 2219
            , which has a similar gland  what Gulf of Mexico sperm  ural History in New York and
            near its tail.               whales  eat  by  trawling  in  the  University  of  Florida's                          TAXI SERVICES
            "You  have  this  tiny  little  an  area  and  at  a  depth  Florida  Museum  of  Natural                           Taxi Tas      587 5900
            bulbous  luminescent  shark  where tagged whales had  History  also  became  col-                                   Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            cruising  around  in  the  been feeding.                  laborators.                                               Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
                                                                                                                                Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            world's  oceans  and  we  He  had  spent  three  years  A  2015  paper  identified                                  A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            know nothing about them,"  identifying  the  collected  the shark as the second of                                  Women in Difficulties
            said  Grubbs,  the  immedi-  specimens,  and  this  one,  its kind. It took years more,                             TRAVEL INFO
            ate  past  president  of  the  still  showing  an  umbilical  including   high-resolution
            American     Elasmobranch  scar, was in the last bag he  scans in the particle accel-                               Aruba Airport   524 2424
            Society  —  scientists  who  opened.  "I've  been  in  sci-  erator in Grenoble, France,                            American Airlines 582 2700
            study  sharks,  skates  and  ence  about  40  years.  ...  I  to get more internal detail,                          Avianca       588 0059
            rays.  "It  shows  us  how  little  can  usually  make  a  pretty  to be sure it was a new spe-                     Jet Blue      588 2244
                                                                                                                                              582 7896
            we actually know."           good  guess"  about  a  ma-  cies. Another European ex-
            Like  the  only  other  pocket  rine  animal's  identity,  he  pert, Julien Claes, did cellu-                       Women in Difficulties
            shark  known  to  science  —  said.  "I  couldn't  with  this  lar dissection of a bit of the                       CRUISES
            a  16-inch  (400-millimeter)  one."  Grace  said  it  took  a  pocket tissue to confirm its
            adult  female  found  in  the  while  to  convince  himself  function.q
            Pacific  Ocean  off  Peru  —
            this 5.6-inch (142-millimeter)
            newborn male fished out of
            the Gulf has a pouch next                                                                                           July 23
            to  each  front  fin.  But  with                                                                                    Monarch
            this  one,  scientists  figured                                                                                     July 24
            out what they're for.                                                                                               Carnival Magic
            The  muscular  glands  are                                                                                          Women in Difficulties
            lined  with  pigment-cov-                                                                                           AID FOUNDATIONS
            ered  fluorescent  projec-                                                                                          FAVI- Visually Impaired
            tions, indicating they squirt                                                                                       Tel. 582 5051
            luminous  liquid,  National                                                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
            Oceanic and Atmospheric                                                                                             Tel. 736 2952
            Administration ichthyologist                                                                                        Narcotics Anonymous
            Mark Grace and his collab-                                                                                          Tel. 583 8989
            orators wrote in the journal                                                                                        Women in Difficulties
            "Zootaxa."  The  shark  also                                                                                        Tel. 583 5400
            has clusters of light-emitting                                                                                      Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
            cells dotted on its belly.                                                                                          Child Abuse Prevention
            That makes it likely the one                                                                                        Tel. 582 4433
            caught  in  1979  and  now                                                                                          Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
            in  a  Russian  museum  was                                                                                         Women in Difficulties
            also  a  light-squirter  with                                                                                       General Info
                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118
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