Page 4 - AHATA_Neat
P. 4
LOCAL Saturday 26 January 2019
The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island
EAGLE BEACH ― Recently, Jon-
athan Boekhoudt of the Aruba
Tourism Authority had the great
pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal
and friendly visitors as Goodwill
Ambassador. The Goodwill Am-
bassador is presented on behalf
of the Minister of Tourism, as a
token of appreciation to the
guests who visit Aruba 20 years
and more consecutively.
The honorees are the lovely
couple Mr. Herbert and Mrs. Zel-
da Baron from Massachusetts
This lovely couple love every-
thing about Aruba specially the
‘Aruban People’.
Boekhoudt together with the Ms.
Gloria Defoe of the Guest Rela-
tions Services of the Divi Village
Golf and Beach Resort present-
ed the certificate to the honor-
ees, and also handed over some
presents and thanked them for
choosing Aruba as their favor-
ite vacation destination and as
their home away from home.q