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P. 5
Saturday 26 January 2019
Efficient & Secure Border Control
ORANJESTAD — Last year,
RADEX Border Control Man-
agement System (BCMS),
was launched at the airport
in Aruba in order to ensure
a safe, reliable and effec-
tive border control. RADEX
BCMS is a complete border
control management sys-
tem, which features the lat-
est hardware and software
for multi-biometric capture
and search capabilities.
The key features of RADEX
include first-stage process-
ing, which involves in depth
evaluation of passports va-
lidity, checks against stolen
passport databases, mul-
tiple wanted lists, and any Units are units that can be governmental databases.
other database a country carried on locations with- When reconnecting to the
desires; second-stage pro- out network connections system all data will be up-
cessing, which includes and are thus ideal to use dated in the database.
multi-biometric search and on ports, vessels and ve- With the Portable Units, RA-
enrollment; reporting; secu- hicles to perform complete DEX BCMS ensures that the
rity; and administration. first stage processing. Trav- border control of the coun-
The developer of RADEX el documents can be read try remains efficient and se-
BCMS, Gamma IT Solutions, and authenticated very cure on any location.
is proud to announce that quickly and the individu- For more information about
RADEX BCMS now features als can be verified against RADEX BCMS, go to www.
Portable Units. Portable several wanted lists and q