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Individuals and organizations from across

                the Americas to receive WHO World No

                Tobacco Day Award

               10 HORA PASA , 28 DI MEI 2019 12:26
               SECCION: SALUD

               Washington, D.C., 28 May 2019 (PAHO/WHO) – Individuals, organizations and authorities from
               six  countries  across  the  Region  of  the  Americas,  including  Antigua  and  Barbuda,  Argentina,
               Colombia,  El  Salvador, the  United  States  of  America  and  Uruguay  are  to be  honored  with  a

               2019 World No Tobacco Day award. These honors, awarded each year by the World Health
               Organization (WHO), aim to recognize outstanding contributions to advancing the fight against
               the harmful effects of tobacco smoke.

               The awards were announced in the run-up to World No Tobacco Day (May 31), the theme of
               which is “Tobacco and lung health.” This year’s winners have all paved the way towards the
               advancement  of  policies  and  measures  contained  in  the  WHO  Framework  Convention  on
               Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the Region of the Americas.

               “Tobacco use is a huge determinant of lung health and is responsible for 65% of all deaths from
               pulmonary  cancers  in  the  Region,”  said  Dr.  Hennis,  Director  of  the  Department  of
               Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health at PAHO. “This prize recognizes the vital role

               that  organizations  and  individuals  play  in  developing  and  supporting  policies  to  protect  the
               people of the Americas from the harmful impact of tobacco smoke on lung health.”

               The six winners of the award in the Americas are:

               • Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda for becoming the
               third  country  in  the  Region  to  approve,  within  a  single  comprehensive  legislation,  a  ban  on

               smoking in indoor public places and workplaces; mandatory graphic health warnings on tobacco
               products; and a ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

               •  Gerbert  Marcelo  Marquelli  Canales  of  El  Salvador. This  posthumous award  recognizes  Mr.
               Marquelli’s  work  as  legal  counsel  for  the  Health  Solidarity  Fund  (FOSALUD)  in  El  Salvador,
               where he played a pivotal role in drafting, promoting and supporting the adoption of the smoke-
               free regulations.
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