Page 24 - AHATA_Neat
P. 24

                                                                                                                           Wednesday 8 May 2019

            Executive board and management team ANPF complete

                                                ready to effectively work on nature
                                                conservation in reserves managed
                                                by the foundation.

                                                As General Director, Mr. De Cuba
                                                will take charge of the foundation;
                                                this entails that he - together with
                                                the Director Conservation - will dili-
                                                gently  work  towards  professional-
                                                izing the organization. The ANPF is
                                                an organization that is currently en-
                                                trusted with about 20% of Aruba’s
                                                total surface area in addition to a
                                                maritime reserve.
                                                Roland  de  Cuba  is  also  charged
                                                with  renovations  and  improve-
                                                ments  to  Parke  Arikok’s  facilities
                                                and  roads,  as  well  as  optimizing
                                                visitor flows. Of high priority are also
                                                pending negotiations on a collec-
            ORANJESTAD – The Aruba National  tive bargaining agreement for the
            Parks Foundation has again taken  ANPF’s employees and areas such
            a  significant  step  with  regards  to  as  development  of  a  streamlined   tion  and  preservation  of  Aruba’s  Curacao. In 2012, Roland de Cuba
            professionalizing  its  organization.  organizational  structure,  job  de-  natural habitat.               returned  to  Aruba.  Mr.  De  Cuba
            Effective May 1st, members of the  scriptions  and  related  compensa-                                      served as Secretary General of the
            ANPF Board of Trustees appointed  tion structure.  Furthermore, Roland   Who is Roland de Cuba?             Court of Audit of Aruba.q
            a new general director: Roland de  de  Cuba  is  tasked  with  develop-  Roland de Cuba, born in Aruba in
            Cuba who together with the Direc-   ment and update of management       1962 is an ex-student of the Ir. Ce-
            tor  Conservation,  Natasha  Silva  and conservation planning for the   sare Terzano MTS. De Cuba served
            form the Executive Board. Concur-   different  parks  and  conservation   the  Antilliaanse  Militie  (ANTMIL)
            rently  Starr  Ramos,  the  new  Mar-  areas under the ANPF care.       in Aruba and - as an infantryman
            keting and Communications Man-      ANPF’s  Supervisory  Board  is  ex-  -  with  the  United  States  Marine
            ager  and  Tyson  Lopez,  the  new  tremely pleased with the appoint-   Corps.  Roland  de  Cuba  gradu-
            Sustainable  Recreation  Manager  ment  of  these  three  professionals   ated  from  Southeastern  University
            also joined the foundation.         and  is  convinced  that  all  three   in  Washington,  DC  with  a  BSc  in
                                                will  significantly  contribute  to  the   Accounting  and  Taxation.  During
            With  these  appointments  the  AN-  further  professionalization  of  the   his career he held various financial
            PF’s Executive Board and Manage-    foundation,  the  welfare  of  its  em-  and  managerial  functions  in  the
            ment Team are now complete and  ployees  and  especially  conserva-     United States, the Netherlands and

            Honoring of  loyal visitors at the Renaissance Ocean Suites

            ORANJESTAD — Recently, Darline de Cuba of the Aruba
            Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor Aru-
            ba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Emerald Ambassadors.
            This certificate is presented on behalf of the Minister of
            Tourism, as a token of appreciation to the guests who
            visit Aruba 30 years and more consecutively.

            The honorees were Mr. Anthony & Marianne Capo resi-
            dents of New Jersey.

            The lovely couple stated that they love the island very
            much,  especially  for  its  year-round  sunny  weather,
            beautiful sandy beaches and Aruba’s warm and friend-
            ly people.

            De  Cuba  together  with  David  Gomez,  representative
            of  the  Renaissance  Ocean  Suites  presented  the  cer-
            tificates to the honorees, and also handed over some
            presents and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their
            favorite vacation destination and as their home away
            from home.q
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