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Wednesday 8 May 2019
Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa introduces new Environmental Initiatives
the island of Aruba, its people and
visiting guests.
Green initiatives are spearheaded
by the resort’s Green Team a dedi-
cated group of 12 representatives
of all departments and from all lev-
els of the resort. More initiatives are
soon to follow.
EAGLE BEACH ― Manchebo Beach
Resort & Spa proudly announc- The intimate boutique resort is situ-
es the recertification with Green ated on majestic Eagle Beach
Globe with an overall 95% score. in Aruba, considered one of the
The resort has a strong commitment top three beaches in the world as
to the principles of environmental awarded by TripAdvisor. Contem-
and social sustainability. Several porary rooms offer peaceful views
initiatives have been implemented overlooking the azure ocean wa-
in 2018 to reduce Manchebo’s en- ters of the Caribbean or luscious
vironmental impact including the green tropical gardens. Yoga and
reducing and recycling of plastics. Pilates classes are offered com-
tic water bottles. With this effort Plastic Beach Party is a communi- plimentary daily and there is also
The resort eliminated for example over 1,500 bottles are saved every ty-driven recycling initiative, work- a state-of-the-art fitness room for
one-way plastics, such as drinking- month. Being a 72-room property, ing to reduce waste and give plas- those in search of a unique well-
straws, to go boxes and bags and this means a significant reduction tic a new life. Together with this lo- ness retreat.
replaced them with biodegrad- in plastic usage around the prop- cal company and the dedicated
able, paper or bamboo alterna- erty. Manchebo team, the resort was For more information visit https://
tives. Another improvement is the able to change the procedure on
installation of a beach-side Wa- Early 2018 the resort proudly the separation of the plastic waste eagle-beach-resort/green-globe
ter Bottle Filling Station of EZ H2O teamed up with the local student collection. The joined effort with | http://www.plasticbeachparty.
from Elkay and the education of start up The Plastic Beach Party or- Plastic Beach Party is another step com/ or e-mail our Environmental
the guests and staff to fill up their ganization, to start recycling the in the right direction to preserve a leader Jessica Dirks at info@man-
bottles instead of purchasing plas- plastic waste of the property. The safe and healthy environment for q
A.T.A. presents with pride:
Visitor Information Center San Nicolas in ‘STATE OF THE ART’
SAN NICOLAS — End of Information Center is to ‘Cu Mira pa Futuro’ freely One of the focusses with Events like Aruba Art Fair
April the Aruba Tourism Au- inform tourists of general translated as ‘ With an Eye regards to tourism that are were supported and the
thority opened the renovat- tourism information about to the Future’. Another as- defined by the government area of Baby Beach was
ed Visitor Information Cen- Aruba and specifically the pect of the development is the development of San upgraded.
ter in San Nicolas in a ‘State area of San Nicolas. The initiated by A.T.A. is the Nicolas where culture and
of the Art’ style. The festive office will strengthen the ‘Niche Roadmap’ and the art are valuable assets as Now with the renovated
opening was attended by connection between San organization is also doing well as the rich nature. Visitor Information Center
the Deputy Governor Mrs. Nicolas and its visitors and research of the carrying the visitors are more than
Yvonne Lacle-Dirksz, to- will give the opportunity for capacity with regards to A.T.A. has invested in cours- welcome to explore this
gether with the Minister of the people of San Nicolas tourism which is at its end es for the island’s tour op- wonderful and interesting
Tourism, Mr. Danguillaume to share their culture and phase now. erators to increase their part of Aruba.
Oduber and CEO of Aruba nature with our tourists. knowledge on this area
Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) All projects taken care of and share their own ideas Come over and enjoy the
Mrs. Ronella Tjin Asjoe. Also The past two years A.T.A. by A.T.A. are included into about San Nicolas. Several vibrant colored streets of
several parliamentarians, developed strategies to their yearly plan and strate- museums were established San Nicolas and step into
key figures of the town and deepen the product of gy for 2021. The goal in the in San Nicolas, supported the colorful Visitor Informa-
its tourism in general were tourism and the re-open- end is an increase of the by A.T.A., and tourist signs tion Center to ask your way
present. ing of this Tourism Office quality of the product tour- were implanted to give around. Soon they will also
San Nicolas forms part of ism within the model “High more information to the visi- offer short tours with specif-
The function of the Visitor this plan which is called Value, Low Impact”. tors. ic themes. Keep posted! q