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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 19 June 2019

            Senate leaders agree on measure to care for refugees

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             vaney,  President  Donald  Pentagon request.              other  round  of  automatic  tumult is a Wednesday floor
            Associated Press             Trump’s chief of staff.      Republicans  have  been  cuts to government spend-        vote  on  a  $1  trillion  House
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Wednesday         afternoon’s  exhibiting  divisions  among  ing  called  sequestration  spending  bill  that  sets  out
            top Republican and Demo-     talks  —  on  double-bar-    themselves,  with  pragma-   would strike early next year,  a marker by Democrats for
            crat on a key Senate panel                                                                                          the upcoming negotiations
            have agreed on a $4.6 bil-                                                                                          of the line-by-line spending
            lion measure to house and                                                                                           bills  required  to  fund  the
            care  for  immigrant  refu-                                                                                         government.
            gees  flocking  across  the                                                                                         The Senate has yet to begin
            U.S.-Mexico  border  —  a                                                                                           its painstaking work on the
            long-delayed  step  toward                                                                                          legislation since McConnell
            averting  a  humanitarian                                                                                           and Senate Appropriations
            tragedy  at  overcrowded                                                                                            Committee Chairman Rich-
            and  inadequate  federal                                                                                            ard Shelby, R-Ala., are seek-
            facilities in the southwest.                                                                                        ing an overall broad agree-
            Sens.  Patrick  Leahy,  D-Vt.,                                                                                      ment on the “top line” fig-
            and Richard Shelby, R-Ala.,                                                                                         ures for both the Pentagon
            will  unveil  the  measure  at                                                                                      and domestic programs.
            an  Appropriations  Com-                                                                                            The  House  bill  blends  mili-
            mittee session Wednesday,                                                                                           tary  spending  dear  to  Re-
            aides to the duo said.                                                                                              publicans  with  education,
            A bipartisan vote is expect-                                                                                        health,  and  energy  and
            ed  and  both  sides  hope                                                                                          water  programs  that  en-
            the measure can pass both                                                                                           joy  bipartisan  support.  But
            chambers  next  week,  just                                                                                         the  measure  far  exceeds
            in time to replenish federal                                                                                        Trump’s  budget  request
            humanitarian  aid  coffers                                                                                          for   domestic   programs,
            before they run completely                                                                                          attracting  a  White  House
            dry.                                                                                                                veto  threat,  and  contains
            The legislation comes as re-  Senate  Majority  Leader  Mitch  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  joined  by  his  GOP  leadership  team,  answers   policy  “riders”  related  to
            cord  numbers  of  migrants   questions on Iran and the withdrawal of acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, during a   abortion  and  other  hot-
            are traveling to the border.  news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, June 18, 2019.                 button issues that will drive
            “This is a humanitarian crisis                                                                     Associated Press  away  any  potential  GOP
            of gargantuan proportions.                                                                                          support, though Democrats
            It  needs  to  be  dealt  with  reled legislation to set new  tists  like  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  cutting $70 billion from cur-  sidestepped  a  potentially
            and  I  hope  we’re  going  “caps”  on  spending  ac-     and  White  House  hard  lin-  rent  levels  for  the  military  divisive battle over taxpay-
            to  see  a  sign  of  bipartisan  counts  controlled  by  Con-  ers like Mulvaney, a former  and another $55 billion from  er-financed abortion.
            cooperation  in  the  Appro-  gress and also increase the  tea  party  congressman,  nondefense programs.           Action  on  the  measure
            priations  Committee,”  said  government’s     so-called  and budget director Russell  The  muddled  picture  has  comes as Democrats have
            Majority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-  debt  limit  —  are  intended  Vought struggling to get on  sparked  concerns  of  an-  been  struggling  to  get
            Connell, R-Ky.               to set a more orderly fiscal  the same page.              other  government  shut-     their  message  out  above
            Meanwhile,  top-level  ne-   agenda that would permit  Trump      hasn’t   displayed  down,  the  return  of  an  the political din of Trump’s
            gotiations  over  paying  the  relatively  routine  passage  much  interest  in  the  talks,  automatic  $125  billion  in  Washington.
            country’s  bills  and  funding  of  both  spending  bills  and  which  come  six  months  spending  cuts  to  the  Pen-  The bill wraps four of the 12
            about $1.3 trillion in agency  drama-free  consideration  after  he  started  a  35-day  tagon and domestic agen-   annual spending measures
            budgets  are  set  to  recon-  of the debt limit legislation,  partial  government  shut-  cies, and a first-ever default  into  one,  and  Democrats
            vene Wednesday, in an ef-    required this fall to avert a  down  following  lawmakers  on U.S. government obliga-  are  boasting  of  gains  for
            fort to head off a financial  market-rattling  default  on  rebuffing  his  border  wall  tions like interest payments.  head start, health research,
            train wreck when a series of  U.S.  obligations  like  bond  demands.                  “Our  guys  are  going  to  and fighting the opioid epi-
            deadlines hit this fall.     payments.                    McConnell is also a leading  have  to  be  flexible  going  demic,  among  the  myriad
            The bipartisan budget talks  It  won’t  be  easy.  An  early  force  in  the  budget  and  in,  the  president’s  going  programs  covered  by  the
            are  aimed  at  preventing  burst  of  optimism  after  an  debt  talks.  House  Demo-  to have to be flexible if he  measure.
            automatic  spending  cuts  initial  round  of  meetings  crats are going ahead with  wants  to  get  his  defense  It also contains provisions to
            threatening  the  top  priori-  late month has faded.     spending  bills,  but  all  sides  number, and obviously he’s  block Trump from reassign-
            ties of both Democrats and  Democrats     are   moving  are working on a separate  going to have to work with  ing  military  appropriations
            Republicans.                 ahead     with   legislation  track to strike a deal on the  the  Democrats  on  some  to fund his border wall, and
            McConnell     and    House  —  also  slated  to  pass  on  overall  amount  of  money  of  things  they  want  to  get  contains  significantly  more
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  are  Wednesday — that spends  to be allocated for defense  done,”  said  No.  2  Senate  money for family planning,
            taking the lead, along with  way more on domestic pro-    and  nondefense  appropri-   Republicans John Thune of  pre-school  education  and
            Treasury  Secretary  Steven  grams  than  Trump  has  re-  ations this year.           South Dakota.                child  care,  and  research
            Mnuchin  and  Mick  Mul-     quested,  while  curbing  his  Without an agreement, an-  Largely unnoticed amid the  into dangerous diseases.q
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