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A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 19 June 2019

            Marijuana use doubles in U.S. pregnant women to 1 in 14

            By LINDSEY TANNER                                                                                                   questioned  during  a  pe-
            AP Medical Writer                                                                                                   riod when rising numbers of
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Pot  use                                                                                          states  legalized  marijuana
            in pregnancy has doubled                                                                                            for medical or recreational
            among U.S. women and is                                                                                             use. It’s legal in 10 states for
            most  common  during  the                                                                                           both  uses  but  remains  ille-
            first  trimester,  government                                                                                       gal federally.
            research shows.                                                                                                     A  separate  study  on  mari-
            Overall,  7%  of  pregnant                                                                                          juana use among pregnant
            women,  or  1  in  14,  said                                                                                        Canadian  women,  pub-
            they used marijuana in the                                                                                          lished  in  the  same  journal,
            past  month.  That’s  from  a                                                                                       adds to evidence suggest-
            nationally   representative                                                                                         ing  that  pot  use  in  preg-
            health  survey  in  2016-17                                                                                         nancy may lead to prema-
            and compares with a little                                                                                          ture birth. A journal editorial
            over 3% in 2002-03.                                                                                                 notes that like similar previ-
            Some  studies  have  linked                                                                                         ous  studies,  the  Canadian
            marijuana     use    during                                                                                         research  can’t  rule  out
            pregnancy  with  increased                                                                                          whether  other  factors  that
            chances     of   premature                                                                                          may have contributed.
            birth  and  low  birthweight.                                                                                       The    editorial   warned
            Animal studies have linked                                                                                          against  relying  on  imper-
            high  doses  early  in  preg-                                                                                       fect  data  to  make  judg-
            nancy  with  fetal  brain  ab-  This Nov. 27, 2015 file photo shows two marijuana buds displayed for a customer in Denver.   ments   about   potential
            normalities,  but  whether                                                                         Associated Press  harms  from  marijuana  use
            typical use in humans poses  of  the  authors  of  the  gov-  Association.  First  trimester  Volkow said. Among wom-  and said more rigorous re-
            similar risks is unknown, said  ernment  study.  Marijuana  use  jumped  from  almost  en  who  weren’t  pregnant,  search is needed.  Volkow
            Dr.  Nora  Volkow,  director  use  during  pregnancy  “is  6%  to  12%.  Many  women  the  rate  of  marijuana  use  said  U.S.  government  re-
            of the National Institute on  not worth the risk,” she said  may have used pot before  increased  from  almost  7%  strictions  on  marijuana  re-
            Drug Abuse.                  Tuesday.  The  study  was  they  learned  they  were  to nearly 12%, or 1 in 8.        search are “very much an
            “Because  we  don’t  know  presented  at  a  medical  pregnant, or used it to ease  The  results  are  based  on  issue” and have hampered
            exactly how harmful it is, it’s  meeting Tuesday and pub-  morning sickness, although  health    surveys   involv-  efforts  to  answer  funda-
            better to err on the side of  lished online in the Journal  few  women  said  a  doc-  ing  nearly  half  a  million  mental  questions  about
            caution,” said Volkow, one  of  the  American  Medical  tor  had  recommended  it,  U.S.  women  who  were  pot use.q
            Marijuana industry aims at environmental, ethical goals

                                                                      group’s executive director,  tion,  a  cannabis  industry  tices  that  reduce  environ-
                                                                      Kim Wilson, said in a state-  group.                      mental impacts.
                                                                      ment.                        “Things like this can narrow  Other  guidelines  seek  to
                                                                      As the once-illegal marijua-  the  gap  of  trust  between  promote  responsible  use,
                                                                      na  economy  evolves  into  industry,  community  and  education and scientific re-
                                                                      a multibillion-dollar industry  policy  makers.  With  more  search.
                                                                      backed by a flood of invest-  trust should come less of a  Wertman  noted  that  the
                                                                      ment dollars, the guidelines  perceived  need  to  over-  guidelines  steered  around
                                                                      appeared  aimed  at  assur-  regulate  and  over-tax,”  sticky  matters  like  labor
                                                                      ing  consumers  those  com-  Spiker added.                practices,  and  mentioned
                                                                      panies  are  operating  with  The  goal  of  the  five-page  only lightly a touchstone is-
                                                                      their  interests  in  mind,  not  “social responsibility frame-  sue in the industry: repairing
                                                                      just focused on the bottom  work”  is  for  the  industry  to  the damage from decades
                                                                      line.                        be  recognized  for  prac-   of  tough  marijuana  en-
                                                                      The cannabis marketplace  tices  in  good  corporate  forcement,  even  for  minor
                                                                      “is  Wall  Street  now,”  said  citizenship. It outlines guid-  infractions,  which  hit  the
                                                                      Adlai Wertman, a professor  ing  principles  that  include  black  and  other  minority
                                                                      of  social  entrepreneurship  transparency  and  respon-  communities hard.
                                                                      at the USC Marshall School  sibility,  such  as  prohibiting  The  guidelines  could  also

            In this April 15, 2019, file photo, a vendor makes change for a   of Business.         illicit sales to youth.      help businesses gain main-
            marijuana customer at Rev-Up a cannabis marketplace in Los   The  group  is  “saying  that  The group said its members  stream  acceptance  and
            Angeles.                                                  even  though  we  are  Wall  have agreed to adhere to  shake off a lingering stoner
                                                     Associated Press  Street,  we  are  still  aligned  the  guidelines  that  will  set  stereotype the industry has
            By MICHAEL R. BLOOD          Growth  Corp.  and  other  with the values our custom-    “a  standard  for  the  new  sought to escape.
            Associated Press             major  companies,  issued  ers have.”                     and  rapidly  growing  can-  Morgan  Fox,  a  spokesman
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — An al-    guidelines  aimed  at  mini-  And  it  could  have  other  nabis industry worldwide.”  for  the  National  Cannabis
            liance  of  large  marijuana  mizing   greenhouse   gas  payoffs.                      While  light  on  specifics,  Industry  Association,  said
            businesses had a message  emissions  and  promoting  “Anything the industry does  the  document  said  mem-         the industry has an oppor-
            for  the  public  Tuesday:  ethical  conduct  and  re-    to  show  responsibility  —  bers will develop polices to  tunity  “to  set  the  standard
            We’re good corporate citi-   sponsible pot use.           both as an operator and to  manage  greenhouse  gas  for  corporate  responsibil-
            zens.                        The  emerging  legal  indus-  their community — is in their  emissions,  packaging  ma-  ity  and  build  an  emphasis
            The   45-member     Global  try  is  “in  a  unique  position  benefit,” said Adam Spiker,  terials that reduce the con-  on  ethical  environmental,
            Cannabis        Partnership,  to set a new bar for socially  executive  director  of  the  sumption  of  raw  materials  business,  and  social  prac-
            which  includes  Canopy  responsible  practices,”  the  Southern  California  Coali-   and  follow  farming  prac-  tices into its foundation.”q
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