P. 22
Wednesday 14 august 2019
Chiefs become destination with Mahomes, Reid combination
By DAVE SKRETTA team, making a good
AP Sports Writer team even better.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP) — The The biggest pitfall of the
Kansas City Chiefs needed Chiefs a year ago, when
a playmaking safety and they lost to the Patriots in
signed coveted free agent overtime in the AFC title
Tyrann Mathieu. game, was their much-
They needed help at maligned defense. But
cornerback and signed consider their quartet of
Bashaud Breeland and high-profile additions: All of
Morris Claiborne. them reside on that side of
They had to address the the ball, shoring up the big-
pass rush and extended gest weakness.
the contract of defensive They've made a team that
end Frank Clark. has won three consecu-
That aggressive approach tive AFC West titles even
to roster turnover speaks stronger. "I just got finished
volumes about the job playing with Aaron Rodg-
Chiefs general manager ers," said Breeland, who
Brett Veach has done played part of last season
in Kansas City. But it also in Green Bay, "and to me
speaks volumes to the fact (Mahomes) is like a young-
that the Chiefs, for years a er version of Rodgers with a
franchise that struggled to Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes warms up before an NFL preseason football lot more attributes. Young
lure top talent on the open game against the Cincinnati Bengals in Kansas City, Mo., Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019. guys are starting to pro-
market against higher- Associated Press pel differently these days.
profile teams, has become He's an exciting player and
a destination for players an organization that has a Kansas City: the unique in the league," said Clai- I'm just ready to compete
seeking playoff glory and great history and obviously combination of an innova- borne, a former first-round against him. I know that if
Super Bowl rings. a great quarterback that's tive players' coach in Andy draft pick who signed a $3 I can ball against him at
"I wanted to come to a really going to take this Reid and quarterback Pat- million deal late last week. practice, then I can play
team that had great tal- league over, really by storm rick Mahomes, whose re- The beauty of that mind- against anybody."
ent, great core players," — really this was a no-brain- cord-setting debut as the set among players, at least Claiborne was recently sus-
explained Mathieu, who er for me and my family." starter portends postseason from the Chiefs' perspec- pended the first four games
signed a $42 million, three- In fact, that may be the success for years to come. tive, is that it creates a of the regular season for vi-
year contract in March. biggest reason everyone "They've got a good ball snowball effect. Top play- olating the NFL's substance-
"Any time you can play for seems to want to play in club and the best offense ers want to play for a good abuse policy. q
5 Russian weightlifters face new wave of doping charges
MOSCOW (AP) — Five Rus- won bronze in July in a test obtained a batch of stored
sian weightlifters, all of event for next year's Olym- drug-test samples in April.
them world or European pics in Tokyo. WADA is letting sports fed-
championship medal- The others are world cham- erations take the lead on
ists, face doping charges pion Tima Turiyeva and charging their own ath-
which could herald a new double European cham- letes, but if it feels the gov-
wave of cases across a pions Oleg Chen and Da- erning bodies are failing to
range of sports. vid Bedzhanyan, as well as act on strong evidence, it
The International Weight- Egor Klimonov, who won could bring its own doping
lifting Federation said Tues- European championship charges against individual
day that evidence against silver in April. Russians.
the five lifters, including Russia was banned entirely The lab data was crucial
Olympic bronze medal- from weightlifting at the to bans for two Russians in
ist Ruslan Albegov, comes 2016 Olympics when the the winter sport of biathlon
from new investigations IWF said its doping prob- in June. The International
by the World Anti-Doping In this file photo dated Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012, Ruslan Albegov lem brought the sport into Biathlon Union handed
Agency into widespread of Russia competes during men's over 105-kg weightlifting com- disrepute. For next year's Alexander Chernyshov
drug use in Russian sports. petition at the 2012 Summer Olympics, in London. Olympics in Tokyo, Russia and Alexander Pechyon-
"This important develop- Associated Press is among 17 countries hit kin longer bans because
ment shows justice being with new doping-related it deemed their conduct
brought to those that may vided by WADA." hesitation in taking the restrictions on the size of was aggravated by being
have cheated their sport," IWF president Tamas Ajan right decisions," said Ajan, their squads. part of an "organized dop-
WADA told The Associat- said the alleged offens- weightlifting's leader since WADA has been analyz- ing scheme."
ed Press in e-mailed com- es occurred "some years 2000, in a statement. "While ing a vast archive of data WADA president Craig
ments Tuesday. ago" and should be seen the IWF has done so much obtained in January from Reedie said at the time
"The Agency awaits more as part of efforts to clean to begin a bright new the anti-doping laboratory that he expects more than
such announcements up weightlifting, which was chapter for our sport, we in Moscow, where cases 100 new doping cases to
from federations that have responsible for dozens of will also do what we can to were routinely covered up be brought across various
commenced results man- doping cases at recent pursue historical cases of for years. WADA has start- Russian sports. Only a small
agement on the basis of Olympics. doping." Albegov is a two- ed handing over its results fraction has so far been
evidentiary packages pro- "We have not shown any time world champion who to sports federations. It also announced.q