P. 18

                Wednesday 14 august 2019


            pays price                                     1st in AL Central



            in Saudi


            By TIM DAHLBERG
            AP Sports Columnist
            There's nothing new about
            those who make their living
            in sports chasing every dol-
            lar they can.
            NFL owners do it every time
            they threaten to devastate
            a city by moving a team to
            greener pastures. Baseball
            does it by signing lucrative
            broadcast agreement that
            make it more expensive —
            and  sometimes  impossible
            —  to  follow  the  team  you
            So in a perfect world, what
            Eddie  Hearn  is  doing  with
            the  big  heavyweight  fight
            in  Saudi  Arabia  he  is  pro-
            moting  isn't  particularly
            groundbreaking  or  outra-
            geous. It has a rich history in
            boxing, most notably when
            Muhammad Ali led a cara-
            van to what was then Zaire
            during Mobuto Sese Seko's
            dictatorship  to  knock  out
            George Foreman in a 1974
            fight that will live forever as
            the "Rumble in the Jungle."
            Somehow,  "Clash  on  the
            Dunes"  just  doesn't  have
            the same ring. And it's not
            a  perfect  world,  particu-
            larly in a country noted for
            human rights abuses.
            Unfortunately,  Hearn  just
            doesn't  seem  to  get  it
            when asked why — outside
            of  the  obvious  answer  of
            money — Anthony Joshua
            and  Andy  Ruiz  Jr.  will  find
            themselves  fighting  their     Indians top BoSox 6-5
            heavyweight title rematch
            on Dec. 7 in, of all places,
            Saudi Arabia.                   on Santana walk-off
            Selling  out  to  the  highest
            bidder  sometimes  comes
            with a price of its own.     Cleveland Indians' Tyler Naquin catches a ball hit by Boston Red Sox's J.D. Martinez on the eighth inning of a baseball game, Mon-
                                         day, Aug. 12, 2019, in Cleveland. Martinez was out on the play.
                   Continued on Page 23                                                                                                     Associated Press
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