P. 15
LOCAL Wednesday 14 august 2019
Lend a Hand to Community
ORANJESTAD — Diamonds supports vulnerable groups is the national Food Bank;
International Aruba em- and voluntary initiatives in storage for food products,
ployees are proud partici- the Aruban community. clothing, furniture and oth-
pants of the Lend a Hand During the years of its exis- er basic needs articles. At
project, which concen- tence, the foundation has the same time, they avoid
trates on the development provided food packages waste of food and prod-
of our local communi- to more than 3000 fami- ucts.
ties and its residents in ar- lies of the Aruban com-
eas where need has been munity who live below the The management team of
demonstrated. poverty line. The provided DI Aruba would like to ex-
food packages are distrib- tend thanks once more to
The DI Aruba team recently uted for temporary support. the Lend a Hand team for
completed their 8th Lend FPNC has been able to do volunteering and for the
a Hand project in Funda- this with the financial sup- outstanding teamwork that
cion Pa Nos Comunidad port from the Aruban Soci- they demonstrated. More-
(FPNC), a foundation that ety. FPNC's major project over, we express our grati-
tude to FPNC for opening
their doors and giving DI
Aruba the opportunity to
make a contribution to
their foundation.
If you have a project that
could benefit from the
Lend a Hand team, please
contact us at aruba@shop-<mailto:aruba@>, 588-
0443<tel:5880443>, or you
can find us on Facebook
at Diamonds International