P. 12
Wednesday 14 august 2019
Presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez, left, addresses sup-
porters next to his partner Fabiola Yanez outside the "Frente de
Todos" party headquarters after primary elections in Buenos Ai-
res, Argentina, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019.
Argentine vote leader
questions deal with
European Union Kashmiri Muslims participate in Eid prayers outside a mosque during a security lockdown in Srina-
gar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Monday, Aug. 12, 2019.
Associated Press
BUENOS AIRES, Argen- to deny that is a stupidity.
tina (AP) — Argentina's The issue is how you enter Indian-controlled Kashmir under
newly established leading into globalization."
presidential contender is "We have to see what this strict lockdown for 9th day
throwing doubt on a newly agreement consists of,"
signed regional trade pact he added. He said there
with Europe and also feud- are some early indications By AIJAZ HUSSAIN dence day. Surveillance claimed by both in its en-
ing with one of his country's that some aspects of the Associated Press drones and military helicop- tirety. The nuclear-armed
partners in the deal, the deal would be "disadvan- SRINAGAR, India (AP) — ters hovered over Srinagar, rivals have fought two wars
far-right president of neigh- tageous for Argentina. If Residents of Indian-ad- the region's main city. On over it. The first ended in
boring Brazil. those things are fixed, wel- ministered Kashmir were Sunday, soldiers stopped 1948 with the region divid-
Alberto Fernández come for Argentina." running short of essentials vehicles in the city's main ed and a promise of a U.N.-
thumped President Mau- Meanwhile, he heated on Tuesday as an unprec- business hub, causing a sponsored referendum on
ricio Macri by 15 percent- up a feud with Brazilian edented security lockdown traffic jam just as a low-fly- its future. It has never been
age points in Sunday's pri- President Jair Bolsonaro, kept people indoors for a ing drone passed by, ac- held.
mary voting — making his who has suggested that ninth day. cording to Javaid Ahmed, Pakistan has denounced
slate, which includes ex- a Fernández government India has imposed a near- a resident who said he wit- the recent changes as ille-
President Cristina Fernán- would be a disaster that constant curfew and a nessed the scene from a gal and has downgraded
dez as his running mate, would flood Brazil with Ar- communications blackout nearby building. its diplomatic ties with New
the clear leader for Oc- gentine refugees in the as it tries to stave off a vio- He said he later saw the Delhi, expelled the Indian
tober's main election and same way Venezuelans lent reaction to the gov- same scene broadcast on ambassador and suspend-
prompting a stock market have fled their own coun- ernment's decision on Aug. Indian TV channels. ed trade and train services.
collapse among investors try's economic collapse. 5 to strip Kashmir of its au- "That footage was used to An uneasy calm contin-
worried about their left- "In political terms, I have tonomy. say Kashmir was normal ued to prevail along the
leaning populist policies. nothing to do with Bolson- The reaction to India's un- with everyone thronging Line of Control in Pakistan-
Fernández raised doubts aro," Fernández said, de- precedented move has so the streets," Ahmed said. controlled Kashmir, where
Monday night about the scribing Brazil's leader as "a far been largely subdued. Kashmiris fear India's move residents of Chakothi, a
European Union's trade racist, a misogynist and vio- But anti-India protests and to put the region under remote border town, said
deal with the South Ameri- lent, the sort of person who clashes have occurred greater New Delhi control they were living in a state
can trade bloc Mercosur celebrates the torture of daily, mostly as soldiers will alter its demographics of uncertainty.
that was signed in June but Dilma Rousseff" — a refer- withdraw from the streets and cultural identity. "Solve the issue of Kashmir
not yet ratified. ence to Bolsonaro's praise at dusk. Though the scale India said its decision to re- through talks or war but
"That agreement doesn't for a man accused of over- of the lockdown is unprec- voke Kashmir's special con- now solve it, as we are al-
exist, never existed," he told seeing the torture of Brazil's edented, civil resistance to stitutional status and down- ways the victim whenever
Net TV. "They signed a sort former leftist president. Indian rule is not uncom- grade it from statehood to there is any tension be-
of protocol letter in which Even so, Fernández said, mon in Kashmir, and young a territory would free it from tween Pakistan and India,"
they set out a series of top- "We are going to get on men have hurled stones separatism. Rubina Bibi, a 40-year-old
ics to deal with." splendidly with Brazil. It is al- and abuse at police and Rebels have been fighting housewife, told The Associ-
The agreement has ways going to be our prin- soldiers. Indian rule for decades. ated Press.
alarmed European farmers cipal partner." He also had Indian troops patrolling the Some 70,000 people have Jalal Hanif, a shop owner,
and South American man- critical words for the social- disputed region allowed died in clashes between said there had been no ex-
ufacturers and service pro- ist government of Venezu- some Muslims to walk to militants and civilian pro- change of fire in Chakothi
viders who fear they can- ela, which was a close ally mosques to mark the Eid al- testers and Indian secu- or elsewhere in Pakistan's
not compete with goods of his running mate when Adha festival on Monday, rity forces since 1989. Most part of Kashmir since New
produced by the other she was president in 2007- and shops were opened Kashmiris want either in- Delhi imposed the chang-
partner in the deal. 2015. Macri has warned briefly on previous days. dependence or a merger es. "But whenever Indian
Fernández said there is that the Fernándezes, who The lockdown is expect- with Pakistan. troops open fire, shells and
"no doubt" that the world are not related, would ed to last at least through Kashmir is split between mortars hit our bazaar and
has globalized, "and to re- make Argentina a sort of Thursday, India's indepen- India and Pakistan and is homes," he said. q
nounce that is a stupidity, Venezuela.q