P. 8

                Wednesday 14 august 2019
             Bolton's UK trade-deal promise leaves questions unanswered

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     be  the  only  people  actu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ally  wanting  this,  because
            LONDON  (AP)  —  British                                                                                            Trump  doesn't  really  be-
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                                                       lieve in trade anyway. He's
            son said Tuesday that get-                                                                                          a 'U.S. first' person."
            ting a free trade deal with                                                                                         The  value  of  the  British
            the United States would be                                                                                          pound  has  plummeted  in
            "a tough old haggle," after                                                                                         recent  weeks  as  the  odds
            U.S.  National  Security  Ad-                                                                                       shorten  on  Britain  crashing
            viser John Bolton promised                                                                                          out  of  the  EU  without  an
            the  U.K.  quick  sector-by-                                                                                        agreement,  an  outcome
            sector  trade  deals  once  it                                                                                      most economists say would
            leaves the European Union.                                                                                          cause  economic  turmoil.
            Bolton  said  after  meeting                                                                                        Britain's  Parliament  has  re-
            Johnson on Monday that "it                                                                                          jected the existing divorce
            might be possible to reach                                                                                          agreement and the EU re-
            a bilateral agreement very                                                                                          fuses  to  renegotiate,  so  a
            quickly,  very  straightfor-                                                                                        no-deal  Brexit  appears  in-
            wardly"  in  some  areas  of                                                                                        creasingly likely.
            trade after Brexit.                                                                                                 Pro-EU  lawmakers  hope  to
            Bolton  said  that  "in  the                                                                                        take  action  in  Parliament
            Trump  administration,  Brit-                                                                                       this fall to block a no-deal
            ain's constantly at the front   Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a roundtable to improve the criminal justice   departure  —  either  by
            of  the  trade  queue  —  or   system, at 10 Downing Street in London, Monday, Aug. 12, 2019.                       passing  legislation  or  by
            line as we say."                                                                                   Associated Press  bringing down the govern-
            The  comments  could  be                                                                                            ment, which could lead to
            interpreted  as  a  boost  to  "We  will  do  a  great  deal  aviation. But he cautioned  said.  "So  it's  not  impossible  an early election.
            Johnson,  who  has  vowed  with  them  and  it  will  open  that  grander  claims  about  to  see  them  announcing  Johnson has refused to rule
            that Britain will leave the EU  up  opportunities  for  U.K.  a  trans-Atlantic  free  trade  on Nov. 1: 'We have a trade  out  suspending  Parliament
            on Oct. 31, with or without a  businesses,  and  especially  deal were premature.      deal.' It might not mean an  if  legislators  try  to  delay  or
            divorce deal. Supporters of  service  companies,  in  the  "The  scope  for  significant  awful lot. ... The devil, as of-  prevent Brexit. On Tuesday
            Brexit say a free trade deal  U.S.," he said.             growth  in  trade  from  the  ten, could be in the detail."  a judge set a hearing next
            with the United States can  "It will be a tough old hag-  U.K.  side  is  not  great,"  he  As for Bolton's "front of the  month  for  an  attempt  by
            help  make  up  for  any  re-  gle — but we will get there,"  said.  "From  the  U.S.  side  ...  queue" remark — a dig at  opposition  lawmakers  to
            duction in commerce with  he added.                       there is scope for a lot more  former  President  Barack  stop Johnson from bypass-
            the  EU  after  Britain  leaves  Trade  experts  said  Bolton's  U.S.  exports  of  agriculture"  Obama's  2016  assertion  ing  Parliament  to  force
            the bloc's single market for  warm  words  for  Britain  left  — but those would be con-  that  a  post-Brexit  Britain  through a no-deal Brexit.
            goods and services.          many  key  questions  unan-  troversial  in  Britain,  where  would  be  at  the  "back  of  At  the  Court  of  Session  in
            In  2018,  Britain  did  almost  swered.                  many  regard  U.S.,  animal-  the queue" for a U.S. trade  Edinburgh,   Judge   Ray-
            half  its  trade  with  the  EU,  David Henig, director of the  welfare standards as lax.  deal  —  Henig  said  "it's  not  mond  Doherty  said  a  sub-
            while  the  U.S.  accounted  U.K. Trade Policy Project at  He said both governments  entirely clear that anybody  stantive    hearing   should
            for 18% of U.K. exports and  the  European  Centre  for  could want a "token" trade  else is in the queue."         take  place  Sept.  6  on  a
            11% of imports.              International Political Econ-  deal for political reasons.  "Most  people  are  trying  to  claim by more than 70 par-
            Johnson  said  Tuesday  that  omy,  said  sectoral  trade  "President  Trump  wants  a  avoid  having  trade  deals  liamentarians  that  sending
            "In the U.S. there are all sorts  deals  were  feasible,  along  win  before  the  election  with the U.S. because they  lawmakers  home  before
            of opportunities we have to  the  lines  of  the  U.S.-EU  next  year,  Boris  Johnson  think they'd be disadvanta-  Oct. 31 would be "unlawful
            open up trade."              Open  Skies  agreement  on  wants  a  U.S.  deal,"  Henig  geous,"  he  said.  "We  may  and unconstitutional."q

            U.N. urges reluctant EU nations to help stranded migrants

            By LORNE COOK                                                                          even  though  the  Italian  Red  Cross  says  nearly  600
            BRUSSELS (AP) — The United                                                             island  of  Lampedusa  ap-   people have died or gone
            Nations  refugee  agency                                                               pears  closest.  About  150  missing  in  waters  between
            urgently  appealed  to  Eu-                                                            of  the  rescued  passengers  Libya,  Italy  and  Malta  in
            ropean  governments  Tues-                                                             have been on the Spanish-    2019.
            day to let two migrant res-                                                            flagged  charity  ship  the  The  agency  said  many  of
            cue  ships  disembark  more                                                            Open Arms since they were  the  people  on  the  ships
            than  500  passengers  who                                                             plucked  from  the  Mediter-  "are  reportedly  survivors  of
            remain stranded at sea as                                                              ranean 13 days ago.          appalling abuses in Libya."
            countries  bicker  over  who                                                           "This is a race against time,"  Cochetel  said  the  ships
            should  take  responsibility                                                           Vincent Cochetel, the Inter-  "must  be  immediately  al-
            for them.                                                                              national  Red  Cross  special  lowed  to  dock"  and  their
            The  people  rescued  while                                                            envoy for the central Medi-  passengers   "allowed   to
            attempting  to  cross  the                                                             terranean,  said  in  a  state-  receive  much-needed  hu-
            Mediterranean  Sea  from     In this photo taken Saturday and released Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019,   ment.  "Storms  are  coming,  manitarian aid."
                                         a rescue team of the Ocean Viking ship, operated by the NGOs
            North  Africa  are  on  ships   Sos Mediterranee and Doctors Without Borders, approaches a   and conditions are only go-  "To leave people who have
            chartered by humanitarian    rubber dinghy with over 80 migrants off the Libyan coast.   ing to get worse."         fled  war  and  violence  in
            aid  groups  that  the  Italian                                       Associated Press  While  the  number  of  mi-  Libya  on  the  high  seas  in
            government  has  banned                                                                grants reaching Europe by  this  weather  would  be  to
            from  its  territory.  The  archi-  has refused to let the ships  It's  unclear  where  they  sea  has  dropped  substan-  inflict suffering upon suffer-
            pelago nation of Malta also  into that country's ports.   might  find  safe  harbor,  tially  so  far  this  year,  the  ing," the envoy said.q
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