P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 14 august 2019

            Russian military orders village evacuation, then cancels it

            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  The  Rus-
            sian  military  on  Tuesday
            told  residents  of  a  village
            near  a  navy  testing  range
            to  evacuate,  but  can-
            celled the order hours later,
            adding  to  the  uncertainty
            and confusion fueled by a
            missile  explosion  last  week
            that  led  to  a  brief  spike  in
            radiation  that  frightened
            residents  and  raised  new
            questions  about  the  mili-
            tary's weapons program.
            Initially  the  military  told
            residents  of  Nyonoksa,  a
            village  of  about  500,  to
            move  out  temporarily,  cit-
            ing unspecified activities at
            the range. But a few hours
            later,  it  said  the  planned
            activities  were  cancelled
            and rescinded the request
            to  leave,  said  Ksenia  Yu-  In this grab taken from a footage provided by the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM press service, people gather
            dina,  a  spokeswoman  for   for the funerals of five Russian nuclear engineers killed by a rocket explosion in Sarov, the closed city, located 370 kilometers (230
            the  Severodvinsk  regional   miles) east of Moscow, Monday, Aug. 12, 2019.
            administration.                                                                                                                 Associated Press
            Local  media  in  Severod-
            vinsk  said  Nyonoksa  resi-  er up disasters that added  After  Thursday's  missile  ex-  have found no trace of ra-  But  Rosatom's  statement
            dents regularly receive sim-  to public nervousness.      plosion,  the  Severodvinsk  dioactive contamination.     saying  that  the  explosion
            ilar  temporary  evacuation  "It's shocking when people  city administration said the  After  Thursday's  explosion,  occurred  during  tests  of
            orders usually timed to tests  who  live  there,  let  alone  radiation  level  rose  to  2  Russian   authorities   also  a  "nuclear  isotope  power
            at the range.                us,  have  no  idea  what  re-  microsieverts  per  hour  for  closed part of Dvina Bay on  source"  led  observers  to
            The  Defense  Ministry  ini-  ally  happened,"  Svetlana  about  30  minutes  before  the  White  Sea  to  shipping  conclude  it  was  the  Bure-
            tially  said  Thursday's  explo-  Alexievich,  a  Nobel  Prize-  returning to the area's natu-  for a month, in what could  vestnik  (Petrel),  a  nucle-
            sion  of  a  rocket  engine  at  winning  author  who  wrote  ral level of 0.1 microsieverts  be  an  attempt  to  prevent  ar-powered  cruise  missile
            the  navy  range  killed  two  a  book  containing  first-  per  hour.  Emergency  of-  outsiders  from  witnessing  code-named  Skyfall  by
            people and injured six oth-  hand accounts of the 1986  ficials  issued  a  warning  to  an  operation  to  recover  NATO  that  was  first  re-
            ers, but the state-controlled  Chernobyl nuclear disaster,  all  workers  to  stay  indoors  the missile debris.    vealed by Russian President
            Rosatom  nuclear  corpora-   said  on  Ekho  Moskvy  ra-  and  close  the  windows.  "The  military's  desire  to  Vladimir Putin in March 2018
            tion said two days later that  dio. "It looks like we haven't  Spooked  residents  rushed  keep a tight lid on informa-  along with other doomsday
            the  blast  also  killed  five  of  learned the lessons of Cher-  to  buy  iodide,  which  can  tion about armed forces ...  weapons.
            its  nuclear  engineers  and  nobyl and Fukushima."       help limit the damage from  has led to vitally important  President  Donald  Trump
            injured  three  others.  It's  still  When reactor No. 4 at the  exposure to radiation.  information  being  hidden  backed  that  theory  Mon-
            not clear what the final toll  Chernobyl  nuclear  power  Yudina  said  that  radiation  from  the  public  in  a  criti-  day,  tweeting,  "The  United
            is.                          plant  in  Soviet  Ukraine  ex-  levels  in  Severodvinsk,  a  cal situation," independent  States is learning much from
            And  just  as  the  Severod-  ploded  and  burned  on  city of 183,000 about 30 ki-    military   analyst   Alexan-  the  failed  missile  explosion
            vinsk  administration  report-  April  26,  1986,  Soviet  lead-  lometers  (20  miles)  east  of  der  Golts  said  in  a  com-  in  Russia.  We  have  similar,
            ed a brief spike in radiation  ers initially tried to hide the  Nyonoksa, have been nor-  mentary.  Neither  the  De-  though  more  advanced,
            levels, the Defense Ministry  disaster  from  the  public  mal since Thursday.         fense  Ministry  nor  Rosatom  technology.  The  Russian
            insisted  that  no  radiation  and  it  took  them  days  to  Local  emergency  officials  named  the  type  of  rocket  'Skyfall'  explosion  has  peo-
            had  been  released  —  a  acknowledge the full scale  also  announced  after  tak-    that  exploded  during  the  ple  worried  about  the  air
            blunt denial reminiscent of  of the world's worst nuclear  ing  ground  samples  from  test, saying only that it had  around the facility, and far
            Soviet-era attempts to cov-  accident.                    around the area that they  liquid propellant.             beyond. Not good!"q
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