P. 10

                Wednesday 14 august 2019
            Riot police, protesters clash briefly at Hong Kong airport

            By YANAN WANG and KA-                                                                                               ers  and  police  have  been
            TIE TAM                                                                                                             hurt,  including  a  woman
             Associated Press                                                                                                   reported  to  have  had  an
            HONG  KONG  (AP)  —  Riot                                                                                           eye  ruptured  by  a  bean-
            police  clashed  briefly  with                                                                                      bag  round  fired  by  police
            pro-democracy  protesters                                                                                           during clashes Sunday.
            at Hong Kong's airport Tues-                                                                                        Police said they are investi-
            day night in a chaotic end                                                                                          gating  the  incident,  which
            to a second day of demon-                                                                                           protesters  have  taken  up
            strations  that  caused  mass                                                                                       as  a  rallying  cry.  Some  in
            cancellations  and  disrup-                                                                                         the   airport   occupation
            tions  at  the  Chinese  city's                                                                                     wore   gauze    bandages
            busy transport hub.                                                                                                 dyed  with  artificial  blood
            Calm  eventually  returned,                                                                                         over one eye.
            with most of the protesters                                                                                         The U.N.'s top human rights
            leaving  the  airport  hours                                                                                        official  condemned  vio-
            after  officers  armed  with                                                                                        lence  around  the  protests
            pepper spray and swinging                                                                                           and  urged  both  sides  to
            batons  tried  to  enter  the                                                                                       settle their dispute through
            terminal, fighting with dem-                                                                                        "open  and  inclusive  dia-
            onstrators  who  barricaded                                                                                         logue."
            entrances  with  luggage                                                                                            Rupert   Colville,   spokes-
            carts.  Protesters  said  they                                                                                      man  for  U.N.  High  Com-
            planned to return to the air-  Policemen in riot gears arrest a protester during a demonstration at the Airport in Hong Kong,   missioner for Human Rights
            port early Wednesday.        Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019.                                                                Michelle Bachelet, said her
            The  burst  of  violence  also                                                                     Associated Press  office  had  reviewed  evi-
            included  protesters  beat-                                                                                         dence  that  police  are  us-
            ing  at  least  two  men  they  showed  at  least  120  can-  Kong  raised  the  prospect  the  thousands  in  the  past  ing  "less-lethal  weapons  in
            suspected of being under-    cellations  and  it  advised  of greater violence and the  10 weeks.                   ways  that  are  prohibited
            cover  agents  and  came  people not to come to the  possible suspension of legal  President  Donald  Trump  by international norms and
            the same day Hong Kong's  airport,  one  of  the  world's  rights for those detained.  tweeted  that  U.S.  intel-  standards."  That  includes
            pro-Beijing  leader  warned  busiest.                     Hong  Kong  leader  Car-     ligence  believes  that  the  firing tear gas canisters into
            that the demonstrators had  More than 200 flights were  rie  Lam  said  the  instability,  Chinese   government   is  crowded,  enclosed  areas
            pushed events onto a "path  canceled  Monday  and  chaos  and  violence  have  moving troops to its border  and  directly  at  individuals,
            of  no  return,"  highlighting  passengers were forced to  placed the city on a "path  with  Hong  Kong.  He  also  "creating  a  considerable
            the hardening positions on  stay in the city while airlines  of no return."            tweeted  that  "Everyone  risk  of  death  or  serious  in-
            both sides.                  tried  to  find  other  ways  to  The black-clad demonstra-  should be calm and safe!"  jury," Colville said in a state-
            Police  took  away  several  get  them  to  their  destina-  tors  have  shown  no  sign  He provided no additional  ment.
            people  they  caught  out-   tions.                       of letting up on their cam-  details.                     In  a  sign  of  rising  tensions,
            side  the  arrival  hall  and  The  airport  disruptions  es-  paign to force Lam's admin-  While  China  has  yet  to  protesters  in  the  evening
            eventually retreated.        calated a summer of dem-     istration to respond to their  threaten  using  the  army  detained  two  men  they
            Police  said  they  were  try-  onstrations  aimed  at  what  demands,  including  that  — as it did against pro-de-  claimed  were  undercover
            ing  to  help  ambulance  many Hong Kong residents  she  step  down  and  scrap  mocracy  protesters  in  Bei-      police  from  mainland  Chi-
            officers  reach  an  injured  see  as  an  increasing  ero-  proposed  legislation  under  jing in 1989 — the Shenzhen  na. They tied his wrists with
            man whom protesters had  sion  of  the  freedoms  they  which some suspects could  exercises were a sign of its  plastic  strips  and  poured
            cornered and detained for  were  promised  in  1997  be sent to mainland China,  ability  to  crush  the  dem-      water over his head. Airport
            about  two  hours  on  suspi-  when  Communist  Party-    where critics say they could  onstrations,  even  at  the  security guards did not ap-
            cion of being an undercov-   ruled mainland China took  face  torture  and  unfair  or  cost  to  Hong  Kong's  repu-  pear to be able to stop the
            er  agent  from  mainland  over  what  had  been  a  politically charged trials.       tation  as  a  safe  haven  for  crowd.
            China. Rescuers eventually  British  colony.The  protests  Lam  has  rejected  calls  for  business  and  international  Sally  Tong,  an  18-year-old
            succeeded  in  getting  him  have  built  on  an  opposi-  dialogue, part of what an-  exchange.  Images  on  the  protester,  said  they  need-
            to  an  ambulance,  local  tion  movement  that  shut  alysts  say  is  a  strategy  to  internet  showed  armored  ed to hold him as evidence
            broadcaster  RTHK  report-   down much of the city for  wear  down  the  opposition  personnel  carriers  belong-   that mainland Chinese au-
            ed.                          seven weeks in 2014 before  movement  through  po-        ing  to  the  People's  Armed  thorities  are  in  Hong  Kong
            Protesters  then  detained  it  eventually  fizzled  and  its  lice  action  while  prompt-  Police  driving  in  a  convoy  to  monitor  the  demonstra-
            and  beat  a  second  man  leaders were jailed on pub-    ing  demonstrators  to  take  Monday toward the site of  tions.  Tong  said  the  man
            whom they also suspected  lic disturbance charges.        more  violent  and  extreme  the exercises.               was  dressed  in  black  and
            of  being  an  undercover  The  central  government  in  actions  that  will  turn  the  The   People's   Liberation  wore  a  mask  to  look  like
            agent.                       Beijing has ominously char-  public against them.         Army  has  a  garrison  in  one of them.
            After  a  brief  period  when  acterized  the  current  pro-  At  the  airport,  protesters  Hong Kong, which recently  "We want to keep him here
            planes were able to take off  test  movement  as  some-   discussed  among  them-      released  a  video  showing  and investigate," Tong said.
            and land early in the day,  thing  approaching  "terror-  selves whether they should  its  units  combating  actors  Protesters  said  the  man
            authorities   were   forced  ism" that poses an "existen-  simply  block  all  access  to  dressed as protesters. Hong  dropped  his  wallet  when
            to  cancel  the  remaining  tial threat" to citizens.     the facility.                Kong  police  also  put  on  a  he was running away from
            flights.  The  airport  author-  While  Beijing  tends  to  de-  Meanwhile,   paramilitary  display of water cannons.  them,  and  they  found  ID
            ity suspended check-in ser-  fine  terrorism  broadly,  ex-  police  were  assembling  Police have arrested more  cards from mainland China
            vices for departing flights as  tending it especially to non-  across the border in the city  than  700  protesters  since  and  also  found  his  name
            of 4:30 p.m., with departing  violent  movements  oppos-  of  Shenzhen  for  exercises  June  and  say  they  have  on  a  list  of  police  officers
            flights that had completed  ing  government  policies  in  that some saw as a threat  infiltrated  the  movement,  online.
            the process able to contin-  minority regions such as Ti-  to  increase  force  against  leading  to  concerns  that  Protesters  also  bound  the
            ue to operate.               bet and Xinjiang, its use of  the  mostly  young  protest-  officers  were  inciting  vio-  hands  of  the  second  man
            The     airport's   website  the term in relation to Hong  ers who have turned out by  lence.  Scores  of  protest-  they captured. q
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