P. 11
WORLD NEWS Wednesday 14 august 2019
2 Ebola patients in Congo
"cured" with drugs, say doctors
KINSHASA, Congo (AP) —
Two Ebola patients who
were treated with new
drugs in the city of Goma in
eastern Congo have been
declared "cured" and re-
turned to their home.
This undated file photo taken from the Facebook page of The
Lucie Blackman Trust shows Nora Quoirin. Top doctors fighting Ebola
Associated Press quickly used the case on
Tuesday to press the mes-
Malaysia police: sage that people can re-
cover from the potentially
Family confirms body as deadly disease if they seek Esperance Nabintu and her one-year-old son, Ebenezer Fataki,
proper care.
missing London teen Ebola is dangerous but it is after the two had been declared cured of Ebola, in Goma, Con-
also curable with correct
go Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019.
treatment, said Dr. Jean- Associated Press
Jacques Muyembe, direc-
SEREMBAN, Malaysia (AP) at the Dusun, a small resort tor of Congo's National two drugs — made by Re- her son, Ebenezer Fataki,
— Malaysian police said located in a durian orchard Institute for Biomedical Re- generon and the U.S. Na- 1, had recovered from
Tuesday the family of a next to a forest reserve 63 search. tional Institutes of Health — Ebola, the response team
missing 15-year-old London kilometers (39 miles) south "Ebola kills quickly and Eb- seem to be saving lives. Re- accompanied the two for-
girl has positively identified of Kuala Lumpur. ola heals quickly. That's the searchers said more study is mer patients their home in
a naked body found near Police believe the teen, message," said Muyembe, needed to nail down how the Kiziba area, where the
the nature resort where she who has learning and phys- at a press conference in well those two compounds medical team educated
disappeared over a week ical disabilities, climbed out Goma. work. The drugs are anti- the residents about proper
ago. through an open window "These cases were detect- bodies that block Ebola. In Ebola treatment.
Police said rescuers earlier in the living room of the re- ed very quickly. The hus- the trial, significantly fewer There is less danger that
Tuesday found the body sort cottage. They listed her band was infected, he was people died among those Ebola will spread through
of a female Caucasian be- as a missing person but said at home for 10 days and his given the Regeneron drug Goma, the capital of
side a small stream in steep the investigation included wife and son were infect- or the NIH's, about 30%, North Kivu province with
terrain about 2 ½ kilometers possible criminal aspects ed," said Muyembe. "As compared to those who re- more than 2 million inhab-
(1 ½ miles) from the Dusun of the case. The girl's fam- soon as the response teams ceived another treatment. itants, because about 200
eco-resort in southern Neg- ily says she isn't indepen- detected these cases, they Esperance Nabintu re- contacts and suspected
eri Sembilan state, where dent and wouldn't wander brought them here to the joiced that she and her cases have been identi-
Nora Anne Quoirin went off alone, and was likely to treatment center. We gave young son had survived fied and have received
missing Aug. 4. The body have been abducted. them treatment that is ef- Ebola. proper medication, said
was airlifted to a hospital Mohamad said a senior fective and here in a short "May the Lord be praised, I Muyembe. He said people
for identification and an pathologist will conduct a time both are cured." thank the Lord very much. I arriving in Goma are being
autopsy. post mortem Wednesday Muyembe said two new and my child were sick with monitored at the city's en-
"The family members have morning to determine the drugs "are now be used Ebola, but God has just try points.
been brought here to iden- cause of death. National to treat Ebola patients be- healed us. "People who come from
tify the body that we re- deputy police chief Mazlan cause, according to the "My brothers, we must not Beni and Butembo (nearby
covered earlier and the Mansor earlier told a news studies and the results we doubt. Ebola exists, "said cities where there are many
family has confirmed that conference that the body, obtained in the lab, these Nabintu, whose husband Ebola cases) must be care-
the body is Nora Anne," which "was not in any are the two drugs that are was the second Ebola vic- fully examined, "said Muy-
Negeri Sembilan police clothing," was found by vol- effective." tim to die in Goma. No oth- embe. "All of the 200 con-
chief Mohamad Mat Yusop unteers registered with the Muyembe and other scien- er Ebola death has been tacts we are following are
told reporters at the hospi- rescue team Tuesday after- tists announced this week detected since then. doing well. We are waiting
tal morgue. noon in an area that had that preliminary results from After a public announce- until the end of the 21-day
Quoirin's family arrived previously been searched two trials in Congo found ment that Nabintu and surveillance period.q
Aug. 3 for a two-week stay by rescuers. q