Page 22 - HOH
P. 22
Wednesday 15 May 2019
Pennsylvania House tries anew to ban Down syndrome abortions
By MARC LEVY law abortions because of a his desk. ally eliminate abortion ac- so much, so much to our
Associated Press prenatal diagnosis of Down The vote comes amid a cess in parts of the Midwest daily lives and our society
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — syndrome, passing legisla- wave of abortion restric- and Deep South, in hopes as a whole and they will all
The Pennsylvania House of tion Tuesday that faces a tions advancing in more that a more conservative continue to do so when we
Representatives is launch- veto by Democratic Gov. conservative states, setting U.S. Supreme Court will ap- finally recognize that each
ing another effort to out- Tom Wolf, if it even reaches them on a course to virtu- prove. of their precious lives is
The Republican-controlled worth living,” the bill’s spon-
House passed the bill, sor, Rep. Kate Klunk, R-York,
117-76, after two hours of said during floor debate.
sometimes emotional de- Opponents argued it vio-
bate about pregnancies, lates the right of women to
children and relatives living make their own decisions
with disabilities. The vote about abortion and cau-
was well short of a veto- tioned against forcing par-
proof margin. ents to raise children with
It goes to the GOP-con- the genetic chromosomal
trolled Senate. However, disorder.
similar legislation died last They called it ham-hand-
year in the Senate, and its ed, unenforceable and an
support remains uncertain invasion of privacy that at-
there, particularly after tempts to use children with
Democrats who support disabilities to win a political
abortion rights picked up battle over abortion rights.
seats. They pointed out that the
The bill hews closely to chamber’s Republican
legislation advanced by leaders refused to allow
abortion-rights opponents votes on amendments
in other states, and House seeking to boost help for
debate broke down along children with disabilities.
the lines of those who sup- “This bill is just another un-
port and oppose abortion constitutional abortion ban
rights. from the same legislators
Wolf’s office said he would who attempt to roll back
veto the bill, calling it a the right to a safe, legal
“Trojan horse” and “an- abortion every single leg-
other attempt to ban abor- islative session,” Rep. Le-
tions and put politicians anne Krueger, D-Delaware,
between a woman and said during floor debate.
her doctor.” A similar law is in effect in
Wolf’s office went on to say North Dakota, but laws in
that there is no evidence three other states have
that the law is needed in been blocked by federal
Pennsylvania and that Wolf courts. One of them, Indi-
is eager to discuss how the ana, is asking the U.S. Su-
state can better support preme Court to hear its ap-
individuals with disabilities peal. Meanwhile, a similar
and women facing com- law in Arkansas will take ef-
plex pregnancies. fect in July and a Utah law
Senate Republican lead- is awaiting a positive court
ership offered only a brief, decision to take effect.
neutral statement, saying It’s not clear how many
the bill will be referred to abortions in Pennsylvania
the appropriate commit- are because of a Down
tee and that the caucus syndrome diagnosis.
has not discussed it. The state Department of
Pennsylvania law allows Health publishes an annual
abortions up to 24 weeks abortion statistics report,
of pregnancy for any rea- but does not collect such
son except to choose the statistics about Down syn-
gender. The bill would add drome or genetic anoma-
to that prohibition a prena- lies.
tal diagnosis of Down syn- Wolf has previously reject-
drome. ed abortion legislation ad-
The bill carries exceptions vanced by the Republican-
for rape, incest and the life controlled Legislature. He
of the mother. rejected a measure in 2017
Backers said it would pro- that would have prohibited
tect a vulnerable popula- elective abortions after 20
tion whose lives are pro- weeks and, opponents say,
ductive. banned the most common
“People with Down syn- method of second-trimes-
drome have contributed ter abortion.q