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a24     health
                    Wednesday 15 May 2019

                                                                                             What You Eat

                                                            tiful,  straight  teeth,  freedom  from  decay,  ath-  their  health,  we  offer  a  scientifically  tested,
                                                            letic bodies, and resistance to disease, and fine  comprehensive  food  and  chemical  sensitivity
                                                            characters  were  typical  of  people  still  eating  test using a simple blood test or “ALCAT” test.
                                                            their traditional diets.  Dr Price took thousands of  With  results  from  this  specialized  test,  patients
                                                            pictures showing children, smiling to show their  eliminate not only chemicals and “unhealthy”
                                                            healthy teeth. When he examined children of  foods,  but  some  seemingly  “healthy”  foods
                                                            parents  who  had  adopted  the  “modern”  di-   that show “hidden” reactions, which hold peo-
                                                            ets  of  devitalized  processed  foods,  he  found  ple, back from becoming healthy as possible.
                                                            a  disturbing  contrast.  Children  whose  parents  We’ve  seen  people  successfully  overcome  a
                                                            ate  processed  foods  had  more  narrow  faces,  wide variety of conditions such as digestive dis-
                                                            crowded teeth and dental arches, both which  orders, migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, skin
                                                            were more susceptible to dental decay, and Dr  disorders and arthritis.
                   By: Dr Carlos Viana                      Price found these children to have a reduced  The wrong food choices also have an impact
                                                                                                             on what should be a natural process, growing
                                                            immunity to disease.
            A  famous  French  connoisseur  of  good  food  The  impact  of  your  food  choices  not  only  af-  older.  Traditional  Chinese  Medicine  doctors
            and drink, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1825  fects your physical body, but chemical imbal-  are looking at their maturing patients to see if
            said, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you  ances  can  affect  the  brain,  causing  depres-  they are aging “Gracefully”. Gracefully aging
            what you are”. In the 1920s and 30s, the nutri-  sion, anxiety, and other problems.  When wrong  individuals  still  possess  an  inquisitive  mind  and
            tionist  Victor  Lindlahr,  who  believed  that  food  food,  food  additives,  chemicals  and  lifestyle  are full of flexible energy. Even after working all
            controls health, developed the Catabolic Diet.  put a strain on organs, the spirit can also be af-  day, my partner, Phyllis and I look forward to an
            Victor  said,  “Ninety  per  cent  of  the  diseases  fected. How can you have passion when you  afternoon swimming or dancing the salsa in the
            known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs.  are exhausted or sick?                             evening.
            You are what you eat.” However, most people  The North American Center for Disease Control  With the wrong food choices, many people are
            attribute the phrase “You are what you eat” to  and Prevention (CDC) states that they are see-   experiencing  accelerated  aging  that  can  be
            Adelle Davis, a leading spokesperson for the or-  ing people in the States with diabetes living lon-  identified through medical tests.  Older patients
            ganic food movement.                            ger, yet as our modern diets have changed, dia-  often complain of exhaustion, stiffness, and diz-
                                                            betes has grown to an epidemic. Diabetes and  ziness. Looking at their arms and legs I can see
            Adelle  Davis,  was  an  North  American  author  pre-diabetes (insulin resistance) is a costly medi-  the signs of muscle loss that will quickly develop
            and a pioneer of nutrition during the mid-20th  cal problem. People diagnosed with diabetes  into bone loss. Aging individuals, who have not
            century.  She  advocated  whole  unprocessed  have medical expenditures that are about 2.3  yet  developed  advanced  degenerative  dis-
            foods,  criticized  food  additives,  and  claimed  times higher than medical expenses for people  eases, can quickly recover their metabolic bal-
            that  dietary  supplements  and  other  nutrients  without diabetes. Diabetes is preventable when  ance,  slowing  down  and  even  reversing  their
            play  a  dominant  role  in  maintaining  health,  doctors are trained how to identify insulin resis-  aging rate.
            preventing  disease,  and  restoring  health  after  tance before it becomes Type II diabetes and  Get The Point! Recent studies show that diabe-
            the onset of disease. Interestingly, our Aruban  patients are educated and willing to change.    tes and its consequences have changed form
            diet 50 years ago was made up of whole unpro-   Food,  herb,  drug,  and  chemical  intolerance  a disease of our grandparents and parents to
            cessed foods that did not contain food addi-    can also have profound impact on your health.  young adults and children.  Luckily, studies also
            tives. Unfortunately, modern families worldwide  Your  immune  system  is  a  network  of  organs,  show that lifestyle changes can prevent or de-
            today have been seduced by the convenience  glands and tissues that protect your body from  lay the onset of diabetes type II. For people with
            and apparent low cost of junk food.             foreign  substances,  such  as  bacteria,  viruses  pre-diabetes,  starting  with  what  you  eat  and
            Another nutritional hero of mine, Dr. Weston A.  and cancer risk. Besides lowering your immune  loosing  as  little  as  5%–7%  body  weight  includ-
            Price,  a  Cleveland  dentist,  searching  for  the  system, food and chemical intolerance makes  ing a minimum of 3 hours of physical activity per
            causes  of  dental  decay  and  physical  degen-  weight loss impossible. We always begin our re-  week can reduce the rate of onset of type 2
            eration  he  observed  daily  in  his  dental  prac-  lationship  with  a  patient  by  recommending  a  diabetes by 58%. We see these positive clinical
            tice, turned from test tubes and microscopes to  metabolic or blood type diet and supplements  results in clinic nearly every day.  For individual
            study “people with fine teeth”. In the 1930’s he  to offset modern, devitalized foods.           testing and personal education on how to eat
            traveled worldwide.  Dr. Price found that beau-  When patients are ready to do more to improve  for your best health, call us.q
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