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A6   U.S. NEWS
                         Friday 10 May 2019
            Report: Air quality harmed as Texas oil production booms

            By DAVID WARREN                                                                                                     maintenance  and  other
            DALLAS (AP) — The produc-                                                                                           so-called "emission events."
            tion of oil and natural gas in                                                                                      The  unauthorized  release
            West Texas is booming but                                                                                           of  air  pollution  occurs
            it's coming at a cost to resi-                                                                                      mainly  from  flaring,  which
            dents who are regularly ex-                                                                                         is a way to burn gas that's
            posed  to  unhealthy  levels                                                                                        released, according to the
            of  air  pollution,  according                                                                                      report, but Levin adds that
            to a report issued by an en-                                                                                        flaring was meant to be a
            vironmental group.                                                                                                  last  resort  that  instead  has
            The Environmental Integrity                                                                                         "become a business model
            Project  noted  in  a  report                                                                                       to get rid of gas that they
            released Thursday that the                                                                                          don't  know  what  to  do
            Permian  Basin,  which  ex-                                                                                         with."
            tends into New Mexico , is                                                                                          There's  only  one  function-
            one of the most productive                                                                                          ing  air  monitoring  station
            hydrocarbon regions in the                                                                                          measuring  sulfur  dioxide
            world, thanks largely to the                                                                                        in  the  Permian  Basin,  the
            advent  over  the  past  de-                                                                                        report  said,  and  more  are
            cade  of  horizontal  drilling                                                                                      needed  to  better  police
            and hydraulic fracturing. In                                                                                        the  release  of  emissions.
            another two years the ba-                                                                                           Sulfur  dioxide  forms  when
            sin  will  account  for  about                                                                                      substances  containing  sul-
            40  percent  of  all  U.S.  pro-   This Oct. 9, 2018, file photo shows an oil rig and pump jack in Midland, Texas.  fur,  including  coal  and  oil,
            duction , the group said.                                                                          Associated Press  are  burned.  Exposure  can
            But a consequence of that                                                                                           make  breathing  difficult
            production  is  dangerous  and  hydrogen  sulfide  —  is  the report. The president of  gy, hundreds of thousands  and harm a person's respi-
            levels of sulfur dioxide in the  known  to  have  serious  en-  the  Texas  Oil  and  Gas  As-  of  good-paying  jobs,  and  ratory system.
            air around Odessa and oth-   vironmental  and  public  sociation  said  the  industry  billions  in  state  and  local  There were at least 30 oc-
            er  locations,  according  to  health consequences."      group also must still review  tax  revenues,"  Todd  Sta-  casions  from  December
            the report, which adds that  Ilan  Levin,  associate  direc-  the  report  but  is  confident  ples said. "And all of these  2016  to  April  of  this  year
            pollution  levels  in  much  of  tor of The Environmental In-  that  Permian  Basin  pro-  have occurred while at the  that  sulfur  dioxide  levels
            Ector County, where Odes-    tegrity Project, said regula-  duction will continue to be  same time the U.S. has led  measured  at  one  location
            sa is located, exceed stan-  tors such as the Texas Com-  viewed as a benefit to the  the  world  in  emission  re-  exceeded  federal  health
            dards  set  by  the  federal  mission  on  Environmental  state and the nation.        ductions,  undoubtedly  be-  standards,  according  to
            Environmental    Protection  Quality need to have strict-  "Upon release to the public  cause  the  oil  and  natural  the  report,  adding  that  oil
            Agency.                      er oversight of air pollution  we will review the full study,  gas  industry  is  the  leading  and  gas  operators  in  and
            "Controlling  air  pollution  in  permits  while  penalizing  but  there  is  no  doubt  that  investor  in  zero-  and  low-  around  Ector  County  self-
            West  Texas  has  not  been  polluters  who  violate  the  the phenomenal growth of  carbon technology, invest-     reported  2,564  unauthor-
            a  priority  for  the  state,  as  terms of those permits.  energy  production  in  the  ing  billions  in  advanced  ized releases of air pollution
            evidenced  by  the  scarcity  "It's  like  they're  speeding  Permian  Basin,  which  has  technologies  that  are  pro-  from 2014 to 2017.
            of  air  pollution  monitoring  and  the  cops  out  on  the  elevated the United States  tecting  and  improving  our  "We're calling on the regu-
            stations in the Permian Ba-  beat  are  not  issuing  any  to become the world's top  environment."                 lators to monitor air quality
            sin,"  the  report  said.  "And  speeding  tickets,"  Levin  oil  and  natural  gas  pro-  The  report  asserts  that  oil  because they're not doing
            yet,  the  type  of  air  pollu-  said Wednesday.         ducer,  is  providing  unde-  and gas facilities are releas-  that right now for vast parts
            tion  in  the  Permian  Basin  A spokesman for TCEQ de-   niable  benefits  to  Texas  in  ing  large  amounts  of  un-  of  the  Permian  Basin,  es-
            — dominated by excessive  clined to comment, saying  the form of abundant, reli-       permitted  pollution  during  pecially where most of the
            emissions  of  sulfur  dioxide  the  agency  hadn't  seen  able  and  affordable  ener-  equipment   breakdowns,  people live," Levin said.q

            Texas House OKs death penalty ban for severely mentally ill

                                                                      AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  The  Passage  of  Democratic  money by no longer litigat-
                                                                      nation's   busiest   death-  state  Rep.  Toni  Rose's  bill  ing  lengthy  death  penalty
                                                                      penalty  state  would  stop  was  nonetheless  a  mile-   appeals  of  condemned
                                                                      executing inmates who are  stone  just  two  years  after  inmates  whose  executions
                                                                      severely  mentally  ill  under  her  last  attempt  failed  to  would be challenged over
                                                                      legislation  the  Republican-  reach  the  House  floor.  It  their  mental  health.  She
                                                                      controlled Texas House ap-   would take the death pen-    said  they  would  not  es-
                                                                      proved  Thursday,  signaling  alty  off  the  table  in  Texas  cape  punishment  under
                                                                      a  willingness  to  soften  the  for inmates who had a se-  her bill because they would
                                                                      state's  tough  stance  on  vere  mental  illness,  includ-  instead  be  sentenced  to
                                                                      capital punishment.          ing  schizophrenia  or  a  bi-  life  in  prison  without  the
                                                                      The  measure  may  not  get  polar  disorder,  at  the  time  possibility of parole.
                                                                      much  farther,  though.  It  of the crime.                She addressed her Repub-
                                                                      needs  to  pass  the  Senate,  The U.S. Supreme Court has  lican  colleagues  before
                                                                      which  is  Texas'  more  con-  ruled  mentally  disabled  calling for a vote.
                                                                      servative  chamber,  with  people  are  ineligible  for  "This body is filled with peo-
                                                                      less than three weeks left in  execution, but that prohibi-  ple who are pro-life," Rose
                                                                      what has been a politically  tion does not include those  said.  "If  you're  pro-life,  be
                                                                      mild  session  compared  to  who are mentally ill.        pro-life  from  the  womb  to
                                                                      recent years.                Rose said Texas would save  the tomb."q
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