Page 6 - MIN ECEM 24 DEC 2016
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 24 december 2016

                  Ready For Take-Off: The Exquisite AWD Culinary Tour

                                                                                                   come.  A  full-bodied  red   dancing to the tunes of the
                                                                                                   wine is poured to enhance    international  piano  enter-
                                                                                                   the  incredible  flavors  of   tainer. If you don’t want to
                                                                                                   your dinner.                 dance: no worry! You can
                                                                                                                                just sway to the rhythm and
                                                                                                                                no-one  will  look  askance.
                                                                                                                                Just  as  long  as  you  have
                                                                                                                                The  AWD  Tour  can  be  by
                                                                                                                                calling Fernanda Giménez
                                                                                                                                at (297) 592-7578 or mail to
                                                                                                                        to  make  your
                                                                                                                                reservation.  The  price  of
                                                                                                                                the culinary tour is US $ 75
                                                                                                                                per  person.  When  making
                                                                                                                                reservations,  please  state
                                                                                                                                whether  you  have  certain
                                                                                                                                food allergies or if you are
            PALM  BEACH  -  A  new,  sparkling  wine.  As  you  get
            intriguing   initiative   has  to know your fellow diners,   to  answer  them.  She  is
            caught our interest: an Aru-  you can bring out a toast to   from Mendoza, Argentina,
            ba  Wine  and  Dine  (AWD)  Aruba while looking at the    and  most  knowledgeable
            Tour  with  a  4-course  food  setting sun on the ocean.  about  everything  regard-
            and  wine  pairing.  It  is  a  Next door to MooMba lies   ing wines and wineries and
            tour  to  four  different  AWD  Hadicurari,  which  is  re-  she  is  your  hostess  during
            restaurants,  each  close  to  nowned  for  its  stunning   the trip.
            each  other,  held  on  Tues-  view  of  bobbing  fishing   After  the  visit  to  Hadicu-
            day evenings. You get the  boats  at  the  pier  and  sail-  rari,  Fernanda  and  her
            chance  to  sample  what  ing  boats  on  the  horizon.   esteemed  guests  hop  on
            these great places have to  The  same  ocean  is  your    the  bus  to  drive  the  short
            offer, with a stunning sunset  backdrop.  At  Hadicurari,   distance  to  the  Arawak
            thrown in for free. The tour  famous for its freshly caught   Garden,  across  from  the
            starts with a pick-up at your  fish, you will receive a sea-  Occidental  Grand  Aruba
            hotel in an air-conditioned  food  hors  d’oeuvre  and  a   Resort  on  the  hi-rise  strip.
            bus  that  will  take  you  to  glass of white wine. Should   There  dinner  is  served  at   The final visit of your tour is   a vegetarian.
            MooMba  Beach.  This  is  at  you  have  any  questions   Tango  Argentine  Grill,  so   just a few steps away from   Intrigued  already?  Don’t
            5.15 pm. At MooMba, you  about  wines  or  wine  pair-    expect  a  fantastic,  juicy,   Tango: at The Sopranos Pi-  hesitate  and  book  your
            will  be  served  a  first  hors  ing,  then  sommelier  Fer-  tender  steak  that  you  will   ano Bar you will be treated   seats, fasten your seat belts
            d’oeuvre  with  a  glass  of  nanda Giménez is on hand    remember  a  long  time  to   to  a  dessert  Martini,  while   and enjoy!q
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