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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 31 auguSt 2019
            Continued from Front         a  Baptist  minister.  Instead
            Hundreds  of  other  law-    I  became  an  alcoholic.  I
            suits  filed  in  Guam  and  became  addicted  to  nu-
            other  states  have  already  merous types of drugs," he
            strained  the  Boy  Scouts  fi-  said.  "It's  not easy  with  this
            nances  and  have  led  the  thought    rolling   through
            organization  to  consider  your  head  about  what
            bankruptcy,  among  other  happened  to  you  when
            options.                     you were a kid."
            "The  Boy  Scouts  are  going  The  Associated  Press  does
            to  have  to  come  to  grips  not  usually  identify  people
            with the issues of their past,"  who say they were sexually
            said  Michael  Pfau,  Wash-  assaulted  unless  they  give
            ington  state-based  attor-  permission,  as  both  Wright
            ney planning the New Jer-    and Hunt have.
            sey lawsuit.                 Plaintiffs' attorneys say esti-
            In  a  statement  responding  mating how much the Boy
            to the pending New Jersey  Scouts  have  paid  out  to
            suit,  the  Boy  Scouts  said  it  date  and  could  be  liable
            apologizes  to  the  victims  for is hard because the or-
            and  encourages  them  to  ganization seeks confiden-
            report  abuse  to  law  en-  tiality in settlements.
            forcement.                   Paul  Mones,  the  plaintiff's
            "We  believe  victims,  we  lawyer in a 2010 case that
            support  them,  we  pay  for  resulted in a nearly $20 mil-
            counseling  by  a  provider  lion  judgment  against  the
            of  their  choice,  and  we  Boy  Scouts,  said  the  orga-
            encourage  them  to  come  nization  never  expected
            forward,"  the  organization  to face such staggering fi-
            said. It added that policies  nancial  liabilities  because
            have  also  been  changed  of  statutes  of  limitations,
            to include mandatory crim-   which  barred  many  pur-
            inal  background  checks.  ported  victims  from  suing
            It  also  added  a  rule  that  and  which  states  are  now   In this Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2019 photo, Greg Hunt holds a school photo of himself in St.
            at  least  two  adult  leaders  beginning  to  change  to   Petersburg, Fla.
            must  be  present  with  chil-  help  those  who  say  they                                                                   Associated Press
            dren at all times during ac-  were abused.
            tivities.                    "We  are  witnessing  now,
            New  Jersey's  law,  signed  not just with the Boy Scouts,
            in May, allows child victims  a major transformation (in)
            to sue up until they turn 55  how  victims  of  abuse  and
            or  within  seven  years  of  society  view  these  institu-
            their  first  realization  that  tions," Mones said.
            the  abuse  caused  them  The Boy Scouts also said in
            harm. The current statute of  a  statement  that  they're
            limitations is age 20 or two  considering   "all   options
            years after first realizing the  available  so  we  can  live
            abuse  caused  harm.  The  up to our social and moral
            bill  also  opens  up  a  two-  responsibility  to  fairly  com-
            year window to victims who  pensate  victims  who  suf-
            were  previously  barred  by  fered  abuse  during  their
            the  statute  of  limitation.  It  time in Scouting."
            also  allows  victims  to  seek  If  the  suits  in  New  Jersey
            damages from institutions.   and  across  the  country
            That has opened the door  lead  the  scouts  to  pursue
            to  lawsuits  by  people  like  bankruptcy,  that  would
            Charles  Wright,  75,  of  Salt  offer  the  organization  a
            Lake  City,  who  said  he  chance to come up with a
            was  sexually  assaulted  by  plan to repay any plaintiffs,
            a  "Scout  commissioner"  in  who would have to sign off
            Southern  California  when  on  the  plan,  according  to
            he was about 11.             Pamela  Foohey,  a  bank-
            "I  kept  it  all  a  secret  for  ruptcy expert at the Maurer
            years.  I  became  an  alco-  School of Law and Indiana
            holic. I wanted to become  University.q
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