Page 19 - awem10march
P. 19
AWEMainta Diabierna, 10 Maart 2017 19
Campeonato Nacional Himno y Bandera 2017 den
Deporte di taekwondo
ta diasabra awor na AUCTION
Centro di Bario Brazil THURSDAY MARCH 16, 2017
On Thursday March 16, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in
public, ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba:
The premises situated at Weststraat 2 in Aruba, consisting of a commercial
building with shopping mall and apartments, locally known as:
“Blue Bay Aruba”
“Marina Mall”
E tradicion di mayoria federacion di deporte na
Aruba ta pa celebra e fecha 18 di maart cu un dia
deportivo pa nan atletanan. Un di e federacionnan
aki ta Aruba Taekwondo Bond cu e aña aki lo or- standing on a parcel of public land, 6339 m2 in size, situated at Weststraat in
ganisa e torneo Himno y Bandera diasabra awor Aruba, locally recorded as First division section G nr. 258,
11di maart. together with, ex. art 514 RV ev Code of Civil Procedure:
Three parcels of public land, respectively 413 m2, 334 m2 and 102 m2 in size,
Despues di un exitoso torneo den luna di januari situated at Weststraat in Aruba, locally recorded as First division section G nrs.
celebrando Dia di Betico, Aruba Taekwondo Bond 322, 324 and 336;
lo organisa un otro grandioso torneo pa su clubnan All lease rights will expire on August 4, 2060.
Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
Pa 10or di mainta lo cuminsa cu un ceremonia di
apertura di tur e ekiponan di taekwondo partici- Fourth auction
pando n’e torneo aki.
Mester bisa cu lo reparti diferente premio e dia aki - No reserve price will be used for the auction of the above mentioned
manera Kyorugi den cada categoria esaki p’e prome properties. Only serious offers will be considered.
tres lugarnan mescos tambe ta conta Poomse, mien- - A 1% commission will be paid over the highest bid in the first round
tras lo duna un trofeo tambe pa Poomse. of the auction, if the property will be sold at the auction and the bid
P’esnan cu triunfa den e diferente peleanan lo tin will be accepted by the mortgagee.
premio p’e mihor atleta infantil, femenino y mas- - Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
culino, mihor atleta den cadet femenino y mascu-
lino, den junior femenino y masculino, den senior - All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include:
femenino y masculino, lo tin Trofeo p’e Best Team. transfer tax, registration fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease
fees and property taxes for execution of the necessary notarial
Lotto, e loteria di Aruba ta masha contento cu deeds, other auction costs (rent of auction room, bailiff fees,
federacionnan di deporte cada aña ta organisa even- cancellation of liens and mortgages, advertisements).
tonan deportivo conmemorando nos dia nacional - a private written bid on the property 1-G-258 can be submitted
Himno y Bandera 18 di maart. until March 1st, 2017.
Un danki sigur na Lotto, e Loteria di Aruba pa
medio di Comision di Subsidio cu a subsidia e FOR MORE INFORMATION:
competencia di torneo Himno y Bandera di Aruba