P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 14 May 2019
            IndyCar and NASCAR roar into showcase month of May

            By JENNA FRYER               anticipation  carries  into
            AP Auto Racing Writer        Tuesday when Indianapolis
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —  officially opens for the 500.
            The  most  prolific  month  in  IndyCar is enjoying a resur-
            motorsports  arrived  with  gence  and  slow,  steady
            two  strong  races  with  In-  growth  in  both  the  series
            dyCar  and  NASCAR  both  and its spotlight event.
            opening May with momen-      McLaren is entering the 500
            tum-grabbing  entertaining  as  an  independent  entry
            events  that  should  carry  — the first McLaren at Indy
            the series through their Me-  since 1976 — and Fernando
            morial Day showcases.        Alonso, the popular retired
            Simon Pagenaud, his future  Formula  One  champion,
            with  Team  Penske  shaky  is  back  for  a  second  at-
            because  of  a  21-race  los-  tempt at winning the "Triple
            ing streak, stalked five-time  Crown."  Oriol  Servia  was
            IndyCar  champion  Scott  expected  to  become  the
            Dixon  in  the  rain  around  36th entrant, which means
            Indianapolis  Motor  Speed-  real bumping in this week-
            way  in  the  closing  laps  of  end's qualifying. Three driv-
            its  road  course  race.  Then  ers won't make the 500, and
            the Frenchman completed  Penske has joined Michael
            a  phenomenal  late  pass  Andretti and Chip Ganassi      Simon Pagenaud, of France, above, celebrates after winning the Indy GP IndyCar auto race at In-
            to  win  the  Grand  Prix  and  among  the  heavyweight   dianapolis Motor Speedway, Saturday, May 11, 2019, in Indianapolis; and below, Brad Keselowski
            prove he's fighting hard for  owners  wondering  if  Indy-  celebrates in Victory Lane following the NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Kansas Speedway in
            his job.                     Car's full-time teams should   Kansas City, Kan., Saturday, May 11, 2019.                          Associated Press
            Hours   later   at   Kansas  be exempt from bumping.
            Speedway,     Brad   Kesel-  A new qualifying format will
            owski closed out one of the  make  for  a  tense  Sunday
            more entertaining NASCAR  session,  all  played  out  live
            races of the season with an  as  NBC  rehearses  for  the
            overtime victory that gave  500  and  its  first  broadcast
            team  owner Roger Penske  of one of sports television's
            a sweep of the day. More  true iconic properties.
            specifically,  six  different  NASCAR,  meanwhile,  has
            Penske  drivers  tallied  five  its  $1  million  All-Star  event
            victories in four series span-  Saturday night at Charlotte
            ning  nine  days  to  open  Motor Speedway and with
            May — The Captain's favor-   it comes a chance for the
            ite time of the year.        series  to  string  together
            Penske,  a  17-time  winner  consecutive    competitive
            of the Indianapolis 500, this  events. A snoozer of a race
            year  celebrates  the  50th  two  weeks  ago  at  Dover
            anniversary  of  his  first  Indy  created the feeling a driver
            entry.                       mutiny was looming over a
            This is a celebratory month  rules  package  that  has  so
            for  motorsports,  a  time  for  far failed to meet expecta-
            series to shine leading into  tions.
            the Sunday before Memori-    NASCAR  this  season  intro-
            al Day, considered the big-  duced  the  new  package
            gest single day of racing in  in an effort to improve the
            the world. Formula One will  racing,  but  many  drivers
            scream through the streets  warned  it  wasn't  going  to  The race went to overtime  sidering  moving  the  event  "You  can't  test  racing  in
            of  Monaco  early  May  26,  work.  The  package  hasn't  and  the  23  lead  changes  to  Nashville  next  season  if  practice  because  you're
            then  IndyCar  and  "The  been  awful,  and  many  of  were one short of the total  Speedway Motorsports Inc.  not actually racing if you're
            Greatest Spectacle in Rac-   this year's races have been  combined lead changes in  can  get  that  property  up  not  racing  for  money  and
            ing" take the stage at IMS.  watchable, which is an im-   both Kansas Cup races last  and running.                  I  think  (that  R&D  element)
            NASCAR  closes  the  day  provement  from  last  sea-     year.                        Smith still believes Saturday  is  an  important  part  from
            with  the  Coca-Cola  600,  son.  But  the  package  has  That gives hope for the All-  night at Charlotte will be a  a  competition  standpoint
            a grueling race of attrition  not  lived  up  to  the  hype  Star  race,  which  last  year  show  unlike  any  other  on  of  the  All-Star  race,"  Smith
            and one of the few remain-   and  drivers  have  voiced  was a de facto test of the  the NASCAR calendar, and  said. "But from a fan and a
            ing crown jewel events on  their frustration.             new  rules  package.  The  another opportunity for the  driver  standpoint,  it  is  very
            the schedule.                Many  drivers  spent  last  race  was  created  as  a  series  to  shine  during  this  similar  to  what  happens  in
            The stage is set for IndyCar  week  complaining  NAS-     no-holds-barred  Saturday  important  month.  He's  a  the  NBA  with  the  All-Star
            and  NASCAR  to  dazzle  a  CAR  will  not  listen  to  their  night shootout for a cool $1  huge supporter of NASCAR  Game,  or  Major  League
            new audience, make new  input  and  the  lousy  Dover  million payday and for two  using the event to test new  Baseball  during  its  All-Star
            fans, and prove racing isn't  race  is  the  just  result.  But  decades  it  delivered.  But  rules  and  ideas,  as  well  as  week  —  it  is  a  change  of
            a dying sport.               then  came  Saturday  night  the  luster  has  worn  off  —  opening  up  research  and  pace, a marker in the sea-
            Both series got strong starts  at  Kansas  Speedway,  in  partly  because  the  racing  development  to  teams  in  son  that  people  can  kind
            with last Saturday's double-  cooler  temperatures,  and  just hasn't been very good  what could be a showcase  of let their hair down a little
            header,  a  Pagenaud  and  the  package  finally  deliv-  — and Charlotte track pres-  of the greatest minds in the  bit, have fun and do some-
            Keselowski sweep, and the  ered  a  compelling  race.  ident  Marcus  Smith  is  con-  sport.                       thing different."q
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