P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 14 May 2019

            Escalating US-China trade war sends stocks plunging

            By DAMIAN J. TROISE                                                                                                 ered ultra-safe investments,
            ALEX VEIGA                                                                                                          rose sharply, sending yields
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lower. The yield on the 10-
            The  Dow  Jones  Industrial                                                                                         year  Treasury  fell  to  2.39%
            Average  plunged  more                                                                                              from 2.45% late Friday.
            than  700  points  Monday                                                                                           Overseas  markets  also  fell.
            as  investors  sought  shelter                                                                                      European  indexes  were
            from  an  escalating  trade                                                                                         mostly  down  a  bit  more
            war between the U.S. and                                                                                            than 1%. In Asia, the Shang-
            China.                                                                                                              hai  Composite  index  fell
            The  Dow  and  S&P  500  in-                                                                                        1.2%.  Japan's  Nikkei  225
            dex  each  fell  more  than                                                                                         index  gave  up  0.7%  and
            2%  as  investors  sold  trade-                                                                                     South  Korea's  Kospi  fell
            sensitive  shares  in  a  broad                                                                                     1.4%.
            sell-off  that  extended  the                                                                                       Trade  talks  between  the
            market's slide into a second                                                                                        U.S. and China concluded
            week.                                                                                                               Friday  with  no  agreement
            Technology  stocks  led  the                                                                                        and  with  the  U.S.  increas-
            way lower, with digital stor-                                                                                       ing  import  tariffs  on  $200
            age  companies  and  chip-                                                                                          billion of Chinese goods to
            makers among the big de-                                                                                            25% from 10%. Officials also
            cliners.  Heavy  equipment                                                                                          said they were preparing to
            makers  Deere  and  Cater-   In this May 9, 2019, file photo trader Jonathan Corpina works on the floor of the New York Stock   expand tariffs to cover an-
            pillar drove losses in the in-  Exchange.                                                                           other $300 billion of goods.
            dustrial sector.                                                                                   Associated Press  China  on  Monday  an-
            The  world's  largest  econ-                                                                                        nounced tariff increases on
            omies  had  seemed  on  warned  that  failed  trade  dex  fell  2.8%.  The  bench-     technology     companies  $60 billion of US imports.
            track  to  resolve  the  ongo-  talks and the deterioration  mark index is coming off its  have  warned  that  uncer-  Analysts have said investors
            ing  trade  dispute  that  has  in  relations  will  put  a  dent  worst  week  since  January,  tainty over the trade war's  should prepare for a more
            raised  prices  for  consum-  in the U.S. and China's eco-  though  it's  still  up  sharply  outcome  is  prompting  a  volatile  stock  market  while
            ers and pinched corporate  nomic prospects.               for  the  year.  The  Nasdaq,  slowdown in orders.        the trade dispute deepens.
            profit margins. Investor con-  The  Dow  dove  711  points,  which  is  heavily  weighted  Bank stocks also fell sharply.  Many  are  still  confident
            fidence  that  the  two  sides  or 2.7%, to 25,230 as of 1:24  with technology stocks, slid  Bank  of  America  dropped  that both sides will eventu-
            were  close  to  a  resolution  p.m.  Eastern  Time.  Boeing  3.5%, on track for its biggest  4.6% and JPMorgan Chase  ally reach a deal.
            had helped push the mar-     and Caterpillar fell the most  daily loss of the year.    fell 2.9%.                   "Since we see a trade ac-
            ket to its best yearly start in  in the Dow. Both companies  Technology  stocks  were  Safe-play  holdings  were  cord  being  reached  in
            decades.                     get a significant amount of  bearing the heaviest losses.  the  only  winners  as  trad-  the  not-too-distant  future,
            Those  hopes  are  now  be-  revenue  from  China  and  Apple  fell  6.1%  and  Cisco  ers  sought  to  reduce  their  we  don't  expect  the  mar-
            ing  dashed  and  replaced  stand to lose heavily if the  slid 4.2%. Seagate Technol-  exposure  to  risk.  Utilities  ket  to  endure  more  than
            by concerns that the trade  trade  war  drags  on.  Boe-  ogy  dropped  and  chip-     were the only sector to rise  a  short-lived  spate  of  indi-
            war  could  crimp  what  is  ing slid 4.8% and Caterpillar  maker  Microchip  Technol-  on  the  stock  market,  and  gestion,"  said  Sam  Stovall,
            otherwise a mostly healthy  was 5.4% lower.               ogy  each  gave  up  6.9%.  prices  for  U.S.  government  chief  investment  strategist
            economy.  Analysts  have  The  broader  S&P  500  in-     Chipmakers    and    other  bonds,  which  are  consid-   at CFRA.q

            Amazon offers to help employees start delivery business

            By JOSEPH PISANI             and  leave  their  jobs.  The  reimbursements  to  military
            Associated Press             company  says  it  will  also  veterans.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon,  pay  them  three  months'  The program's expansion is
            which  is  racing  to  deliver  worth of their salary.    part of the company's plan
            packages  faster,  is  turn-  The  offer  is  open  to  most  to control more of its deliv-
            ing to its employees with a  part-time   and    full-time  eries on its own, rather than
            proposition:  Quit  your  job  Amazon  employees,  in-    rely on UPS, the post office
            and  we'll  help  you  start  a  cluding warehouse workers  and  other  carriers.  Startup
            business delivering Amazon  who pack and ship orders.  costs  start  at  $10,000  and
            packages.                    Whole  Foods  employees  contractors  that  partici-
            The offer, announced Mon-    are  not  eligible  to  receive  pate are able to lease blue
            day,  comes  as  Amazon  the new incentives.              vans with the Amazon smile
            seeks  to  speed  up  its  ship-  Seattle-based   Amazon.  logo stamped on the side.
            ping time from two days to  com  Inc.  declined  to  say  Overall, more than 200 Am-
            one for its Prime members.  how many employees it ex-     azon  delivery  businesses
            The company sees the new  pects  to  take  them  up  on  have  been  created  since    In this Aug. 3, 2017, file photo, packages ride on a conveyor
            incentive  as  a  way  to  get  the offer.                it  launched  the  program   system at an Amazon fulfillment center in Baltimore.
            more  packages  delivered  The  new  employee  incen-     last June, said John Felton,                                          Associated Press
            to shoppers' doorsteps fast-  tive  is  part  of  a  program  Amazon's vice president of
            er.                          Amazon  started  a  year  global delivery services.       Since then, it has grown to  preparing  for  the  one-day
            Amazon says it will cover up  ago that let anyone apply  One of them is run by Milton  120 employees with a fleet  shipping  switch  by  hiring
            to  $10,000  in  startup  costs  to launch an independent  Collier, a freight broker who  of 50 vans that can handle  more people.
            for employees who are ac-    Amazon  delivery  business  started his business in Atlan-  up  to  200  delivery  stops  in  "We're   ready,"   says
            cepted  into  the  program  and  provided  $10,000  in  ta about eight months ago.  a day. It has already been  Collier.q
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