P. 30

                       Tuesday 14 May 2019
            Gabrielle Union, Jessica Alba in charge of 'L.A.'s Finest'

            By LYNN ELBER                path as a Los Angeles po-
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Ex-   lice  detective,  with  Jes-
            panding  a  comic  book's  sica Alba joining her as de-
            mythology can bring slight-  tective  Nancy  McKenna.
            ed  characters  to  the  fore-  They're  also  in  charge  be-
            front.  That's  also  the  case  hind the camera, as execu-
            with "L.A.'s Finest," a TV series  tive producers on the series
            riff on the 2003 "Bad Boys II"  debuting  Monday  on  the
            movie in which women, no-    new Spectrum on-demand
            tably  women  of  color,  are  platform.
            driving the action.          It's  a  measure,  they  say,
            Gabrielle  Union  pursued  of  hard-won  confidence
            the  idea  of  reprising  Syd  in  what  they  can  do  and
            Burnett, her character from  in  their  value,  despite  en-
            the  film  who's  on  a  new  trenched  resistance  from

                                                                      This image released by Spectrum Originals dhows Gabrielle Union, left, and Jessica Alba in a
                                                                      scene from "L.A.'s Finest."
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

                                                                      the entertainment industry.  stakes.  I'm  breastfeeding  in  the  last  few  years  have
                                                                      Both are entrepreneurs out-  my newborn son, I have a  talked  a  big  game  about
                                                                      side  of  Hollywood  —  Alba  7-  and  10-year-old,  and  I  wanting  diversity  and  in-
                                                                      with  her  baby  and  home  never  want  to  feel  weird  clusion — "We want shows
                                                                      products  company,  and  or  awkward  about  them  headed  by  women,  we
                                                                      Union with a fashion line.   being part of my life. They  want strong female leads."
                                                                      When  the  two  joined  to  will  come  to  set,  and  that  And the proof is in the pud-
                                                                      talk  about  the  series,  they  needs  to  be  cool  with  ev-  ding,  and  that  that  pud-
                                                                      expanded  the  discussion  eryone. And if it's not, then  ding is a little thin. But what
                                                                      to  how  newcomers  such  this  isn't  the  show  that  I  you  see  on  cable  and
                                                                      as Spectrum have created  should  be  part  of."  We  al-  streaming  is  people  who
                                                                      opportunities that were be-  ways  tried  to  be  as  effec-  actually walk the walk and
                                                                      ing dribbled out by broad-   tive  and  efficient  as  pos-  talk  the  talk,  and  they  put
                                                                      cast  networks.  Here's  a  sible, but then also have a  the  money  and  resources
                                                                      sampling of what they had  really  supportive  commu-     behind  developing,  creat-
                                                                      to say, edited for brevity.  nity where people's families  ing  and  actually  putting
                                                                      WHO'S THE BOSS?              can come to set.             on  air  shows  with  not  one
                                                                      Union:  There's  a  pleasure  RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME     but  two  women,  and  two
                                                                      in Jessica and I both being  Alba: When the story origi-  women  of  color  who  are
                                                                      executive  producers  and  nally  was  being  devel-      allowed  to  be  full-bodied,
                                                                      creating  a  show  where  it's  oped  for  a  network,  they  multi-dimensional  charac-
                                                                      not  one  bad-ass  woman  very  much  wanted  to  fit  ters. That's really never hap-
                                                                      but  two  bad-ass  women,  us  inside  of  these  buckets  pened in any sort of mean-
                                                                      and  two  bad-ass  women  or  stereotypes,  while  we  ingful way on network tele-
                                                                      of  color  who  are  not  only  wanted  to  break  out  of  vision.
                                                                      bosses in real life but bosses  those boundaries. At Spec-  LET US ENTERTAIN YOU
                                                                      in  front  of  and  behind  the  trum,  the  women  running  Alba: If we grandstand and
                                                                      camera. And for us to both  the  network  really  wanted  say, "Hey, we're in this show
                                                                      be  executive  producers  us  just  to  create  the  best  and because we're women
                                                                      and to have a major say-so  show,  and  in  that  we  got  of color, you should tune in,
                                                                      of what goes into the show  to  create  cool  characters  that's (bull). We don't care
                                                                      and the experience in mak-   that have rich lives. They're  about  that.  You're  tuning
                                                                      ing the show, is by far one  flawed.   They're   compli-  in  because  it's  cool  and  it
                                                                      of the most rewarding and  cated.  They  don't  always  works.  The  story  lines  work.
                                                                      fulfilling things of my career.  agree.  They're  not  com-  They're  rich.  They're  inter-
                                                                      Alba:  We  got  to  create  petitive. They complement  esting,  they're  mysterious.
                                                                      an  environment  that  we  each  other.  But  they  also  The jokes are funny. They're
                                                                      hadn't  ever  been  part  of,  have  fun  and  they're  fun-  not  corny  or  cheesy.  And
                                                                      or  we  haven't  seen  our-  ny  and  they're  witty  and  we're  not  relying  on  any
                                                                      selves  in  Hollywood  over  they're  girls  that  you  want  sort  of  stereotypical  thing
                                                                      our  20  years-plus  experi-  to like grab a beer with or  out  there  to  get  by.  If  it's
                                                                      ence in the business. When  a shot of tequila with or cry  successful  or  not,  we  all
                                                                      Gab  (Gabrielle)  asked  me  with. And you just don't get  can look around and I think
                                                                      to  be  part  of  the  show,  I  to see women in this way.  we can be really proud of
                                                                      said,  "Here's  some  table  Union:  A  lot  of  networks  what we've produced.q
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