P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 14 May 2019
            On eve of festival, Cannes defends its record on women

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       be  based  on  gender  par-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ity," Fremaux said Monday.
            CANNES,  France  (AP)  —  A                                                                                         "All  the  films  in  the  official
            year  after  82  women  pro-                                                                                        selection  —  and  there  are
            tested  en  masse  on  the                                                                                          15  women  directors  in  all,
            red  carpet,  the  Cannes                                                                                           20 if you add the shorts —
            Film  Festival  on  Monday                                                                                          all these films are there be-
            defended its record on fe-                                                                                          cause  in  our  view  as  the
            male  filmmakers  and  for                                                                                          people  who  selected  the
            the first time divulged data                                                                                        films, they really deserve to
            on its selection process.                                                                                           have been selected."
            Addressing reporters on the                                                                                         "There  have  never  been
            eve  of  the  72nd  Cannes                                                                                          so  many  women  directors
            Film  Festival,  Thierry  Frem-                                                                                     in the official selection be-
            aux  spoke  at  length,  both                                                                                       cause  there  have  never
            touting  the  festival's  strides                                                                                   been  so  many  women  di-
            in  gender  parity  and  bris-                                                                                      rectors in the industry as a
            tling at what he described                                                                                          whole," said Fremaux.
            as  Cannes'  being  held  to                                                                                        Cannes,  Fremaux  said,  is
            an impossible standard.                                                                                             criticized in a way that oth-
            Issues  of  gender  equal-                                                                                          er festivals and social orga-
            ity  have  resonated  par-                                                                                          nizations are not.
            ticularly  in  Cannes,  where   A  view  of  the  Palais  des  festivals  during  the  72nd  international  film  festival,  Cannes,  southern   "The  Cannes  Film  Festival
            only one female filmmaker    France, Monday, May 13, 2019.                                                          has  to  be  impeccable
            (Jane Campion, in 1993 for                                                                         Associated Press  and absolutely perfect. Of
            "The  Piano")  has  ever  won                                                                                       course  we  try  to  be  per-
            the  festival's  top  award,  was  21-years-old.  This  festi-  dation  of  50/50X2020,  the  both  features  and  shorts,  fect,"  said  Fremaux.  "No
            the Palme d'Or, and where  val was his hunting ground."  festival  created  a  space  included  19  films  directed  one has asked me to have
            women      directors   have  (Weinstein  has  denied  the  for  nursing  mothers,  which  by women, or 27.5%.       50% of films made by wom-
            never    numbered     more  encounter was rape.)          it dubbed Le Ballon Rouge.  Still, some have said Cannes  en. That would show a lack
            than four in the main slate  Following    pressure   by  And  four  films  directed  by  isn't  progressing  coming  of respect."
            of  approximately  20  films.  50/50x2020,   the   French  women  were  selected  for  quickly enough, noting that  50/50X2020  said  it  will  re-
            Not wearing high heels has  sister  group  to  Time's  Up,  competition, matching the  it trails parity rates of other  view the findings in a press
            even,  as  recently  as  four  Fremaux  last  May  signed  previous record set in 2011.  major festivals, including re-  conference  in  Cannes  on
            years  ago,  been  a  reason  a  pledge  —  with  Cate  Cannes  on  Monday  of-        cent editions of Berlin, Sun-  Friday.
            for denying entry to a pre-  Blanchett,  Ava  DuVernay  fered a dose of transparen-    dance and Toronto. For the  This  year's  festival  has  also
            miere.                       and  others  looking  on  —  cy on its selection process,  second  time  in  two  years,  attracted  some  backlash
            Cannes  is  also  where  Har-  promising  to  make  the  including  who  sat  on  the  Fremaux held a press con-    to its selections. In competi-
            vey Weinstein for decades  festival's  selection  process  selection  committee.  That,  ference defending Cannes  tion is Abdellatif Kechiche,
            was  a  prominent  regular.  more  transparent  and  to  too, had been a suggestion  from its critics, the day be-  whose "Blue Is the Warmest
            At  the  festival's  closing  push their executive boards  of  50/50X2020.  The  festival  fore  Jim  Jarmusch's  "The  Color" won the Palme d'Or
            ceremony  last  May,  Ital-  toward gender parity.        said  that  it  received  1,845  Dead  Don't  Die"  will  open  in  2013.  In  October,  Paris
            ian filmmaker Asia Argento  This  year,  Cannes's  selec-  feature   film   submissions  the festival.              authorities launched an in-
            declared on the stage: "In  tion  committee  was  50  from 39 countries, 26% were  "When we signed this char-       vestigation into a sexual as-
            1997, I was raped by Harvey  percent female for the first  directed by women. Its of-  ter,  the  idea  was  never  sault allegation against the
            Weinstein here at Cannes. I  time.  On  the  recommen-    ficial  selection  of  69  films,  that  the  selection  would  director. q
            Tense 'If She Wakes' moves to a surprising finale

            By OLINE H. COGDILL          Beckley,   a   student   at  Kaplan to look into the col-  While  "If  She  Wakes"  is  a
            Associated Press             Maine's  Hammel  College,  lision  to  avoid  any  lawsuits  stand-alone   thriller,   Ko-
            "If   She   Wakes"   (Little,  ends  up  in  a  coma  af-  over  the  death  or  Tara's  ryta brings back, in a way,
            Brown), by Michael Koryta    ter  being  injured  in  a  hor-  hospital bills. But Abby is a  brothers  Jack  and  Patrick
            Multi-award  winning  au-    rific  car  accident  in  which  former  stunt  driver  with  an  Blackwell,  professional  kill-
            thor  Michael  Koryta  again  visiting  professor  Amandi  encyclopedic  knowledge  ers  who  first  appeared  in
            shows his affinity for smooth-  Oltamu  is  killed.  Tara  had  of  accidents,  having  re-  2014's "Those Who Wish Me
            ly  melding  sophisticated  been  driving  Amandi  to  cently  been  in  a  high-pro-  Dead."  While  the  brothers
            action  with  solid  charac-  deliver the keynote speech  file collision that resulted in  are now dead, their legacy
            ter  development  —  even  about  his  groundbreaking  a fatality. It soon becomes  looms  large,  especially  in
            when one of the individuals  work on batteries and solar  clear  that  this  accident  the  form  of  Dax  Blackwell,
            is in a coma — as happens  panels. The professor insist-  could not have happened  a  teenage  assassin  who  is
            in "If She Wakes."           ed  they  take  an  alternate  as the police reports stated.  more violent than his father
            "If  She  Wakes"  not  only  route  and  had  wanted  Soon  more  deaths  linked  or uncle.
            works well as a quintessen-  them to stop on a bridge so  to  the  incident  occur.  As  Koryta  is  such  a  polished
            tial thriller but also as a tale  he could take photographs  Abby investigates, Tara re-  writer that his plots zip by as
            about  rebuilding  one's  life  with  his  phone  when  they  mains in the locked-in syn-  he delves into the amorality
            and not giving up on one's  were struck by another ve-    drome, able to hear what is  of Dax and the humanity of   This cover image released by
            self  amid  insurmountable  hicle.                        going on around her in the  Abby and Tara, whose per-     Little,  Brown  and  Company
                                                                                                                                shows  "If  She  Wakes,"  by  Mi-
            odds.                        Hammel  College  hires  in-  hospital  room  but  unable  sonality  emerges,  despite   chael Koryta.
            Bright,   personable   Tara  surance  investigator  Abby  to communicate.              being paralyzed. q                       Associated Press
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