Page 8 - AM181023
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8 AWEMainta Diamars, 23 October 2018
Despues di un solicitud habri Serlimar Sui Generis ta anuncia
Henley Davelaar a bira director di SERLIMAR
SERLIMAR Sui Ge- Despues di un proceso Sr. Henley Davelaar ta
neris como un com- di solicitud habri cu a un experto den Eco-
pania estatal tin e inicia na mei e aña aki, nomia y Finanzas. El
responsabilidad im- orguyosamente awe a nace na Corsow y
portante di e maneho Serlimar S G por an- eynan el a finaliza su
di desperdicio y alaves uncia cu a apunta Sr. estudionan na nivel
proteccion di nos me- Henley Davelaar pa di HAVO. Despues
dio ambiente. ocupa e funcion di di- el a continua su estu-
Drentando den un era rector nobo di e com- dionan avanza na Hu-
nobo unda e maneho y pania, entrante 23 di landa. Trempan den su
procesamento di des- october. carera el a gana hopi
perdicio y desaroyo di bon experiencia trah-
strategianan sosteni- E lo ta e persona cu lo ando den e sector di
bel a bira un prioridad tin e responsabilidad “offshore” y a speciali-
pa Aruba, Serlimar S pa guia e compania y su za den “Venture funds”
G tin mester awor di staff cu e vision nobo y y “Mutual funds”.
liderazgo nobo cu mes- implementa e metanan El a ocupa posicionnan
ter tin e preparacion y cu ta inclui entre otro; gerencial importante
experiencia necesario e expansion di e servi- den e sector Textil,
pa atende cu e reto- cionan di Serlimar S G. Software, IT, sector
nan actual y di futuro. EXPERTICIO Petrolero y den Teleco-
The Country of Aruba intends to publicly tender the project:
“DIA – Acquiring hardware and software for government departments”
In accordance with Term of Reference (ToR): ToR DIA, number 1–year of service2018
Short description of the work: municacion. Reciente- inspira confiansa.
The Project aims to replace some of thr old ICT-equipment and/or add new
ICT-equipment to the ICT-infrastructures of government departments. mente na Boneiro, Sr. Cu e nombramento
Davelaar a traha hopi aki, Serlimar S G kier
Execution term: 40 working days after date of start di cerca cu e autori- garantisa su clientela y
dadnan Hulandes riba e pueblo di Aruba cu
The ToR is available at the DIA oce, located at the L.G. Smith Boulevard 34 in
Oranjestad, as of Friday, October 26th 2018 during oce hours (from 08:00 am – e parti di maneho di compania lo bay fun-
11:30 pm and from 01:30 pm – 04:00 pm). medio ambiente y di ciona cu un maneho
desperdicio. basa riba Innovacion
Information will be supplied on Tuesday, November7th 2018, at 10:00 am, atthe DIA y servicio di calidad na
oce, located at the L.G. Smith Boulevard 34 in Oranjestad.
Hunta di Supervicion bienestar di henter nos
The summary of additional information and changeswill be laid down on Tuesday, di Serlimar S G ta ma- comunidad.
November13th 2018, at the DIO oce, located at the L.G. Smith Boulevard 34 in sha contento di por
Oranjestadand will be available / mailed on Tuesday, November13th 2018.
bay conta cu un profe- Nota di redaccion:
The public tender will take place on Wednesday, November21th 2018,at10:00 am, sional di e caliber di Sr. AWEMainta mester
atthe DIO oce, located at the L.G. Smith Boulevard 34 in Oranjestad. Henley Davelaar den e remarca e diferente
posicion importante comentarionan cu a
The UAR – 1986 Neth. is applicable to this tender.
aki. E ta stima Aruba, ricibi y tambe por a
Mr. Ing. Carlos Bermudez is in charged with the project management. desde chikito e ta- scucha esaki na ra-
bata gusta bishita nos dio. E keho principal
The term of validity of the bid is 90 days isla constantemente. tabata di con a nom-
The bidder has to submit the following documents with his bid: Hunta di Supervision bra un persona di
1. Proof of entry in the register of the Chamber of Commerce; di Serlimar S G ta sat- afo pa un puesto cu
2. Letter of commitment of a recognized bank to issue a bank guarantee; isfecho con e proceso ta kere cu mester por
3. Other requirements that are stated in the specications / ToR. di solicitud a cana y e tin un Arubiano cu
A bid should be made on the bid form, authenticated and enclosed with the ToR. decicion tuma, cual ta por ocupa esaki.