P. 3
U.S. NEWS Friday 17 May 2019
U.S. attempt to improve wildland firefighter shelters fails
durability. The U.S. “Forest of the rest wanted a shelter to poor decision making in
Service conducted an ex- of similar weight with better potentially dangerous and
haustive search of materi- protection. Firefighters typi- fast-changing situations.
als and designs, working cally carry 40 or 50 pounds Researchers came up with
with 23 different entities (18 or 23 kilograms) of gear, four prototypes that were
that produced hundreds and officials said studies sent into the field last year
of different materials and have found that carrying — two for line-going fire-
combinations,” officials heavier packs could in- fighters and two for equip-
said. crease fatigue and lead ment operators.q
Researchers were tasked to
create a shelter that could
repel radiant heat, which is
felt standing near flames,
and convective heat, felt if
In this Nov. 9, 2018 file photo, firefighter Jose Corona sprays
water as flames from the Camp Fire consume a home in you put a hand into the fire.
Magalia, Calif. The current 4.5-pound (2-ki-
Associated Press logram) shelter with an
By KEITH RIDLER deployed that same type aluminum foil-woven silica
Associated Press of shelter in 2013, but still outer shell can withstand
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — An ef- died in the blaze. Last year, direct flames and 2,000
fort to develop a better fire however, two wildland fire- degrees (1,090 Celsius) for
shelter following the deaths fighters on two separate about a minute.
of 19 wildland firefighters in wildfires used their fire shel- A survey among front-line
Arizona six years ago has ters and survived without firefighters at the start of
failed. burn injuries, officials said. the development pro-
Officials at the National The National Wildfire Co- cess for a potential new
Interagency Fire Center ordinating Group’s execu- fire shelter found that less
in Boise in a decision on tive board determined the than 5% wanted to carry
Wednesday said the cur- current shelter combines a heavier, more protective
rent fire shelter developed the most practical amount shelter. About half wanted
in 2002 will remain in use. of protection balanced a lighter shelter with the
The Arizona firefighters had against weight, bulk and same protection, and most