Page 5 - Djamars 13 november 2018.pdf
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Djamars 13 Novèmber 2018                                                                        5
                              Desempleo ta un di esnan mas haltu di nos region

                  IMF preokupá pa impakto di e

      desaroyonan di Venezuela riba Kòrsou

        WILLEMSTAD.- Un  Sint Maarten ku huntu      Kada dos aña IMF  konklushonnan ku e mishon  informe final. E mishon
     mishon di Fondo Monetario  ku Kòrsou ta forma un  ta bishitá Kòrsou i Sint  a saka despues di e bishita  tabata dirigí pa sra. Lusine
     internashonal (IMF)  union monetario. Un di  Maarten pa asina evaluá  na e dos paisnan miembro.  Lusinyan ku a bishitá Kòrsou
     a kaba su mishon di  e konklushonnan mas  e situashon finansiero,  Kòrsou i Sint Maarten ta  for di dia 25 di òktober pa
     konsulta regular ayera  devastador ta ku desempleo  ekonómiko i monetario di e  miembro di IMF via di reino  ayera 9 di novèmber. E
     ku preokupashon pa e  na Kòrsou a subi riba 14  dos paisnan. Nan a presentá  ulandes.     bishita a bai e biaha aki sin
     impakto ku e desaroyonan  porshento i awor aki nos isla  nan konklushonnan den e   IMF ta bisa den su  masha publisidat. Dos aña
     na Venezuela tin riba  tin un di e porsentahenan di  dokumentu The Kingdom of  informe preliminar  pasá na final di e mishon
     Kòrsou. E mishon a  desempleo mas haltu di nos  the Netherlands—Curaçao  presentá ayera i di kua  regular di IFM tabatin un
     konstatá preokupashon  region. Ekonomia ta den  and Sint Maarten: Staff  EXTRA a optené un kopia  agasaho grandi na kas di
     tambe pa desaroyonan na  reseshon pa di 5 aña siguí.   Concluding Statement of  ku outoridatnan lokal a  Emsley Tromp, e tempu ei
                                                  the 2018 Article IV Mission.  bai di akuerdo pa publiká  presidente di Banko Sentral
                                                  Meskos ku resientemente  e konklushonnan. E  kaminda representantenan
       Avila Beach Hotel ta                       e Kolegio di Supervishon  konklushonnan publiká  di diferente sektor di
                                                  Finansiero (Cft), IMF ta  ta punto di bista di staf di  komunidat tabata presente,
                                                  konkluí ku mester di  IMF i no ta nesesariamente  entre otro di sektor
       establesé rèkert den                       medidanan struktural pa  opinion di e direktiva  finansiero i ekonómiko.
                                                  kontrarestá e situashon  ehekutivo di IMF. E mishon  Aparentemente e biaha
                                                  fiskal serio di Kòrsou.  ku a bishitá Kòrsou i Sint  aki no tabatin motibu pa
           benta di kamber                        E dokumentu ta duna  Maarten lo presentá su       Sigui lesa pagina 40
                                                  un bista preliminar di e  punto di bista den un
        WILLEMSTAD.- Avila  tur 40 kamber den e edifisio
     Beach Hotel a alkansá un  ‘La Belle Alliance’. Na aña
     rèkert nobo pa medio di e  2016 Avila Beach Hotel
     ‘Online Booking’ wèpsait di  a implementá a la bes un
     Expedia.               strategia ‘online’ nobo ku
         E hotèl mas bieu  ya ta dunando su frutanan
     operashonal na Kòrsou, ta  mas i mas.
     e promé hotèl ku no ta ‘all   Gerente General
     inclusive’ riba e isla akí  Robbin Vogels: “Mas di e
     ku den ménos ku un aña  reservashonnan ‘online’
     (ya den luna di òktober) a  ta drenta via di nos mes
     surpasá e totalidat di 1 mion  wèpsait, pero nos ta mira
     ‘US Dollar’ den sifra di benta  ku globalmente e hotèl ta
     di kamber via Expedia.  ganando popularidat, sigur
        Gerensia di e hotèl  dor di ‘online booking’
     a invertí bastante den  wèpsaitnan grandi manera
     e añanan ku ta tras di  Expedia i ku esaki nos ta
     lomba den renobashon  mashá kontentu i orguyoso.
     di e kambernan di hotèl,  Optené e logro importante   The Certified International Specialists at  Responsibilities and essential job functions include,
     playa privá i tambe  akí ta ademas e resultado    DHL Express Curacao are looking for   but are not limited to the following:
     restorantnan i barnan di e  di un kolaborashon bunita   the next
     hotèl. Anteriormente den  i plasentero ku e grupo di   Field Sales Executive   and generate revenue.
     e aña akí un renobashon  Expedia i ta demostrá ku tin   to consult with business owners and
     kompletu a tuma lugá di  desaroyonan positivo tambe   introduce them to the #1 Logistics   customers and leverages relationships to expand
     e fachada di e mansion  ku ta tuma lugá riba tereno   Company in the world.    business.
     original i konhuntamente  di hospitalidat na Kòrsou.”
                                                       As a sales professional at DHL you will   and responding to business development leads.
                                                       own a territory and direct the largest,    !
                                                                                    evaluate opportunities to increase the relationship
                                                       most complex and most strategically
                                                                                    through: face to face visits, problem solving and
                                                       significant negotiations, reaching   administrative follow-up
                                                       agreements that have significant impact   


                                                       on DPDHL’s bottom line.      Certified International Specialist Master to help
                                                                                    businesses improve their relationships with customers


                                                       Based in Curacao, the person who will
                                                                                    maximize sales and revenue growth within territory
                                                       thrive in this pivotal role must have the
                                                       skills to maintain a high-level of
                                                       customer service with existing   Skills & Qualifications:
                                                       customers and leverage relationships to
                                                       expand business.             + /

                                                                                    experience (selling services vs. product is preferred)
                                                       In addition, the international sales    !
34	*
                                                       professional will actively monitor and    '

                                                                                    and written)
                                                       review customer global sales activity

                                                       and make adjustments to processes and   experience with a CRM system is preferred)
                                                       strategies to help the business grow.    6	

                                                       Entrepreneurial professionals in this role   international sales experience highly preferred
                                                       enjoy a generous commission & sales
       ...Annette van den Berg (Gerente di Merkadeo Expedia   incentive plan.
       – Kòrsou i Boneiru) ta hasi entrega di e premiashon na                      We are looking forward to your application not later
       Robbin Vogels (General General Avila Beach Hotel)...                        than November 16, 2018 to
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