Page 27 - ATA_Neat
P. 27

                       Tuesday 9 July 2019

            Fortification of Plans                                                                                         Episode XXV

               Entering the eighteenth century there lived,  no others whites, reformed   ers’ Bay to Ponton. However, Jan van der Biest Junior, who was
               europeans on Aruba than the commander with his family and some other       commander from 1772 to 1782, was buried at Ponton, where his
               people in the service of the West Indian Company.         In the latter part   grave- its nameplate was unfortunately coverd by masonry when
               a few licences where granted. Trade with Spanish America is increas-       it was injudiciously repaired- is still to be seen, though at the mo-
               ing. As a result of this Horses Bay; which from a nautical and strategical   ment it can no longer be identified. The graveyard itself, both with-
               point of view offered more favorable conditions compare to Command-        in and without the walls, preserves a memory of what once was
               ers’ Harbour in Savaneta, eclipsed the latter as a discharging-berth for   a residence of Aruba’s Protestant notabilities.  On 13 June 1782 a
               cattle. Some merchants of jewish descent come  hailing from Curacao,       third Van der Biest, Harmen, brother to Jan Junior, succeeds. He
               chose their residences in its vicinity, i.e. on higher ground, in direction of   remains commander till 1791, when, at his own request, he is dis-
               Ponton. No european has yet settled on the bay proper, we can only find    missed, as Hamelberg says “on the grounds of old age”. According
               an Amerindian village occupying  both sides of a small  sea  inlet. The frist   to Dr.Krafft, however, he cannot have been older than about 66.
               dwelling-houses are not built there before 1796 or 1797 when the first WIC
               battery has been constructed at the entrance in to the bay.                                                             Continued on Page 15

            As early as 1762 The Directors of the
            West India Company had entertained
            a plan to construct a battery al Horses’
            Bay for the protection of the ships in it
            from privateers. The high cost of pro-
            viding this first more West situated fort
            with  its  batteries  and  supplies  stalled
            the  operations  activities  for  time  to
            time. In the meantime trade activities
            round  Horses’  Bay  continued  to  pick
            up and as a result the commander in
            the last quarter of the eighteenth cen-
            tury shifted his residence to the height
            close to Horses’ Bay, the place where
            the  principal  dwelling-centre  of  this
            period was situated, namely coming
            from the town- to the left of present
            day Ponton.

            This  location  offered  the  additional
            advantage  of  an  unimpeded  view
            southward across the bay and what
            is today, Punta Brabo, whereas to the
            north  it  facilitated  the  commander’s
            supervision  of  the  dwelling-place  of
            the Amerindians of Noord and vicin-
            ity. It is no longer possible to ascertain
            when exactly the commander’s resi-                                              Pic. 1 map of Horses Bay
            dence  was  shifted  from  command-

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               Pic. 2. On this picture we people working the salt lakes of playa and still can see of the bulding, once  stood as the Western
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