Page 28 - SOC
P. 28
LOCAL Tuesday 13 december 2016
Support Aruba Marine Park Foundation Conservation Efforts
HAdiCurAri- How can we balance of our beautiful
stop an invasive species corals,could be in peril.
of fish that overpopulates
and threatens our healthy Protection Efforts help
reefs? WE HuNT THEM ANd Byron and Castro remain
EAT THEM! diligent in their resolve to
protect our reef life, before
Lionfish Tournaments held the ravenous invader de-
to hunt invasive species stroys our ecosystems,by
In their continued efforts teaching divers and snor-
to control the damage on kelers how to safely hunt,
our eco system, causedby spear and clean Lion-
invasive Lionfish, a month fish.CastroPerez reports
long war was waged, by November’sTournament
the Aruba Marine Park hauled in a whopping 250
Foundation. Spear head- kilos of Lionfish.This trans-
ed by Byron Boekhoudt lates into 1,244 Lionfish in-
and Castro Perez, a high truders which were extract-
spirited competitionwith ed off Aruba’s reefs. As a
a cash prize incentive, direct result of thetourna-
brought together an amaz- ment an estimated six mil-
ing group of eco-minded lion sea and reef creatures
people with the sole pur- were protected.
pose to battle, spear, ex- be contained by Humans,
tract this terrible species of because if left alone it will raising Funds and Aware-
fish whichhas invaded Aru- gobble up anything it can ness in our Community
ba and plagues our reefs. . fit in its mouth, devastat- Aruba Marine Park Foun-
Spawning constantly, ing our reefs and our lo- dation co-hosts a success-
tens of thousands of eggs cal fish supply.’ Yellow tail ful third annual Lionfish and
each week, the Lionfish snapper, lobster, grouper, Wine Tasting Event held at
will devour more than 70 red snapper, tuna, parrot- Nos Clubhuis.
different marine species fish and angelfish, which Continued on page 14
which have made our are all vital to the proper
reefs their home. With no
known ocean predator
in Aruba, Marine Biologist
Byron Boekhoudt explains,
‘the greedy Lionfish must